They know that because they tell other generations which pass it down to us today.
lots of stuff but i don't know what???????? lots of stuff but i don't know what????????
i need to know this answer because im doing some history homework .
i know that they traded stuff like mace and cinnamon. but i am not quite sure about the rest of the stuff.
so they wont become dumb or also so if somebody ask you some thing about history then how are you going to answer it also history is important so if you dont`t study history you won`t know a lot of stuff
thay are 11,5,8,and 9
We werent alive back the n so we dont ahave a first recource and we just trust what the textbooks give us.
if you pop it and its got a lil wet stuff in it , then its alive . if its dry when youpop it its dead.
No one alive today has heard Abraham Lincoln. There have been people who met or knew Lincoln report what his voice sounded like. We can also guess what he sounded like based upon his size, where he grew up, and his social standing.
stuff people want to know
It is a mystery. People do not know for sure if it is alive or just a myth.
So that they know that people out there are alive.
Yes, he is alive. I personally know he is. Hes my bestfriend. I think I would know. People. Need. To. Shut. Their. Mouth. HE IS ALIVE. Gosh. he does not have a Facebook tho.
People come to Wikianswers to find out questions on stuff they dont know and share their knowledge about stuff they know. It is a mutually beneficial community where you ask what you do not know and help others with things you know by answering their questions.
alot of stuff"alot of stuff"???? seriously? this person wants to know this. leave this space for people who actually know the answer.
if you werent so supid you would know!
Different people answer all the questions.
no not that i know of