1 Understand the qualifications of a SAS candidate. Applicants must be males up to 34 years of age who have served in any branch of the British Armed Forces for three years. They should have not less than 39 months of active service remaining. Prime candidates must be in exceptional physical shape, have excellent eyesight and possess advanced swimming skills.
Step2 Apply for selection. The initial induction phase is offered twice a year--winter or summer.
Step3 Attend the initial screening sessions. These consist of a one-day Recruit Interview and are followed by an Induction Weekend. Both of these preliminary sessions present the candidate with mental and physical exercises, and inform them of the rigorous service that is required in the SAS. Candidates must pass the Battle Fitness Test, sign a non-disclosure form, and agree in writing to perform arduous duties. Ten percent of candidates fail at this point.
Step4 Begin the six-month selection process. Do this by attending the first one-month phase in the mountains of southern Wales. Aptitude training is a test of physical endurance and map skills. It involves runs and hikes of continuously longer duration while carrying increasingly heavier weight. The majority of eliminated candidates drop out at this level.
Step5 Move on to the Standard Operational Procedure Training (SOP) in the jungles of either Brunei or Malaysia. Candidates are trained in weapons and fighting techniques. The reality of combat is emphasized with the use of live ammunition and the awareness of friendly fire.
Step6 Complete the last phase of selection in survival training while under pursuit by the enemy. After one week the candidate surrenders and undergoes enemy interrogation and torture. Less than ten percent of the original candidates make it through this segment. After this milestone, candidates are badged as troopers.
Step7 Be assigned to a 12-month probation and specialist courses during Continuation Training. Education is received in parachuting, communications, and general training. Candidates are prepared for their areas of expertise in the Air Troop (free fall), the Boat Troop, the Mobility Troop or the Mountain Troop. SAS troopers and are then ready for active duty in one of four "sabre squadrons." Assignments are on a six-month rotation and can include intelligence, counter-terrorism, domestic security, and training military personnel around the world.
Be the top of your class in t
Hey there,
You will need to be in the Army for a specific amount of time.
Selection Phase 1 - EnduranceThe first phase of selection is known as the endurance, fitness and navigation, or 'the hills' stage. This is the endurance portion of selection and not only tests a candidate's physical fitness, but also their mental stamina. To pass this phase, a high level of determination and self-reliance is vital.The hills stage lasts 3 weeks and takes place in the Brecon Beacons and Black Hills of South Wales. Candidates have to carry an ever-increasingly-heavy bergen over a series of long timed hikes, navigating between checkpoints. No encouragement or criticism is provided by the supervising staff at the checkpoints. SAS Directing Staff (DS) are fully-badged members of the regiment and leave each candidate to their own devices. This can be a marked contrast from the selectee's experience in their parent units. They would be used to their instructors shouting constant instructions at them, along with encouragement and abuse. The demands of life in a special forces unit require each member to be self-motivated.
The endurance phase culminates with 'the long drag', a 40 mile trek carrying a 55lb bergen, that must be completed in under 24 hours.
Selection Phase 2 - Jungle TrainingThose who have passed stage 1 have to then pass jungle training. Training takes place in Belize, in the heart of deep jungles. Candidates learn the basics of surviving and patrolling in the harsh conditions. SAS jungle patrols have to live for weeks behind enemy lines, in 4 man patrols, living on rations. Jungle training weeds out those who can't handle the discipline required to keep themselves and their kit in good condition whilst on long range patrol in difficult conditions. Again, there is a mental component being tested, not just a physical. Special Forces teams need men who can work under relentless pressure, in horrendous environments for weeks on end, without a lifeline back to home base. Selection Phase 3 - Escape & Evasion & Tactical Questioning (TQ)The small number of candidates who have made it through endurance and jungle training now enter the final phase of selection. The likelihood of a special operation going wrong behind enemy lines is quite high, given the risks involved. The SAS want soldiers who have the wherewithal and spirit required to escape and evade capture and resist interrogation.For the escape and evasion (E&E) portion of the course, the candidates are given brief instructions on appropriate techniques. This may include talks from former POWs or special forces soldiers who have been in E&E situations in the real world.
Next, the candidates are let loose in the countryside, wearing World War 2 vintage coats with instructions to make their way to a series of waypoints without being captured by the hunter force of other soldiers. This portion lasts for 3 days after which, captured or not, all candidates report for TQ.
Tactical Questioning (TQ) tests the prospective SAS men's ability to resist interrogation. They are treated roughly by their interrogators, often made to stand in 'stress positions' for hours at a time, while disorientating white noise is blasted at them. When their turn for questioning comes, they must only answer with the so-called 'big 4' (name, rank, serial number and date of birth). All other questions must be answered with 'I'm sorry but I cannot answer that question.' Failure to do so results in failing the course. The questioners will use all sorts of tricks to try and get a reaction from the candidates. They may act friendly and try to get their subjects chatting; or they stand inches away from their subjects and scream unfavourable remarks about the sexual habits of their mothers. Female interrogators may laugh at the size of their subject's manhood. Of course, a real interrogation would be a lot more harsh and the subject would not know that they get to leave alive when it's all over. That said, days of interrogations and enduring the stress positions and white noise break down a man's sense of time and reality. The SAS are looking for men who can withstand such treatment long enough so that the effects of revealing any operational information they might have can be lessoned by HQ.
After all that...
The small number of men who make it through selection receive the coveted beige beret with the distinctive winged dagger insignia. As a newly badged member of the Special Air Service they can feel justly proud. They are not out of the woods, however, as they are now effectively on probation. As brand new members of the regiment, they will be watched closely by the DS as they enter continuation training. Many SAS soldiers are RTU'd (returned to unit) during training.
Hope this helped!
when a member of the sas is killed his name s added to the monumentle clock. so when a member of the sas leave the reg then they have beaten the clock.
Special Air Service u shud b ashamed if u don't no that
Nobody knows the "exact" numbers as they like to keep a low profile.Obviously the world knows about them as there the most copied regiment in the world but nobody knows when,where and "if" they will be deployed into war zones,they keep there missions secret until after they have been completed.Most of the time the British S.A.S enter wars without anybody ever realising that they are there.There have been many cases throughout history where the S.A.S have been suspected to have been in war zones to complete missions without anybody even realising they have been and gone until long after.Genraly S.A.S enter in teams of 4,6,8,10, or 12 men and are capable of doing what 50 other soldiers are capable of,training to be a larger force than they actuly are is one of the many things they specialise in.The British S.A.S and S.B.S are there most sucesfull in history,longest,hardest trained and most copied regiment in the world.List of countries that copy/base themselves on S.A.S...American - Delta Force - Modeld on S.A.SAustralia - Special Air Service RegimentNew Zealand - New Zealand Special Air ServiceCanada - Joint Task Force 2Israel - Sayeret MatkalAustralia - Extant - Australian Special Air Service Regiment.Belgium - Extant - Belgian Special Forces Group, closely modelled on the SAS and consisting of Land, Air and Boat sections. Comprises about 120 operational personnel distinguished by the maroon beret with the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol insignia.Defunct - During WWII 5 (Belgian) SAS squadron, from 1944 '5 SAS' Regiment, consisted of Belgian volunteers. Notable as the first Allied troops to enter Belgium and the first to cross the Siegfried line, into Germany. Traditions are currently continued by 1 PARA of the Paracommando Brigade.Canada - Extant - The Canadian Military's Joint Task Force 2 is closely modelled on the SAS. (Although it traces its lineage to the Canadian SAS Company created in 1946, its structure is not generally known.)Defunct - An SAS Company was created in 1946 and disbanded in 1948.[2]Denmark - Frømandskorpset (Naval Special Forces) and Jægerkorpset (Army Special Forces).France - The 1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (1er Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine) (1er RPIMa:SAS), is the heir of the World War II French SAS units ('French' Squadron, 1 SAS from 1er Compagnie, BIA; 3 and 4 SAS, ie, 3 BIA and 4 BIA, subsequently 3 RCP and 2 RCP). Its official motto is "qui ose gagne", the French translation of "Who Dares Wins". The Regiment's operators are also nicknamed "les SAS français" (the French SAS). Recently, the Regiment created a Squadron (3rd Company) Patrouilles SAS or "PATSAS" (SAS Patrols), using heavily-armed jeeps for raids behind enemy lines (particularly with 22 SAS and the Australian SAS in Afghanistan).Germany - The German Army Special Forces unit, the KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte), is also closely patterned on the SAS.Greece - Greek Special Forces, originate from the post-war ?.?.?. (spelled L.O.K. from "Loxoi Oreinon Katadromon" - Mountain Raider Detachments) which were the post-WWII successor of the "Sacred Band" ("Ieros Loxos"). The "Sacred Band" was formed in 1942 in the Middle East from a group of dedicated volunteers, former officers and officer cadets who relinquished their rank and commission in order to fight as regular soldiers. Under their C.O. - Col. Christodoulos Tsigantes, they fought alongside the SAS and SBS in the Libyan desert and the Aegean as well as with General Leclerc's Free French in Tunisia. It is no coincidence that modern Greek Special Forces insignia, bears a distinct resemblance to their brethren SAS insignia, with a winged, upward pointing sword and underscribed motto "? ?????? ????" (essentially translation of "Who Dares Wins").Hong Kong - The Hong Kong Special Duties Unit is a part of the Hong Kong Police Force and was formed in 1973. SDU was modelled on the SAS and was trained by the SAS and SBS.Indonesia - Detasemen Bravo Paskhas TNI AU.Israel - The Sayeret Matkal, an elite unit of the IDF, is modelled on the SAS, and shares the same motto, "Who Dares Wins." Responsible for Operation Entebbe. Also Sayeret Shaldag.Italy - The Army's 9th Parachute Assault Regiment, and the Carabinieri's Gruppo di Intervento Speciale are partly based on the SAS.Japan - The National Police Agency's Special Assault Team received training from British SAS operators prior to its activation on 1 April 1996.Malaysia - The Malaysian VAT 69/UTK is a special forces of the Royal Malaysian Police Force based on by the SAS. VAT 69 modelled on and trained by the British SAS in 1969 for fighting the communist insurgency and Special Actions Unit (Unit Tindakan Khas) was based from the SAS and increased on by the United States SWAT after hostage incident by JRA Terrorist in August 1975. On 20 October 1997, VAT 69 and UTK merged and was then called Pasukan Gerakan Khas (Special Operations Force).Netherlands - The Korps Commandotroepen.New Zealand - Special Air Service of New Zealand.Norway - Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK).Pakistan - The SSG commandos are also partly based on the SAS.Philippines - The Philippine National Police's (PNP) Special Action Force was believed to have been based on the lines of the British SAS.Poland - GROM, partly based on the SAS.Rhodesia - 'C' Squadron 22 SAS was composed of Rhodesian troops. It formed the nucleus of the Rhodesian SAS Regiment after the end of the Malayan Emergency in 1953, and subsequently the British SAS have never raised another 'C' Squadron within 22 SAS. The Rhodesian SAS disbanded in December 1980 after the country became Zimbabwe. (See SAS Rhodesia by Fourie, C., & Pittaway, J., published Dandy Agencies, Durban, South Africa, 2003.)Sri Lanka - SpeA breif History of an S.A.S legend...John Lofty Wiseman Part of SAS History -Trooper John Wiseman was born in Britain in 1941John Wiseman was the first to train members of the Green Berets which was at the formation of the USA's Delta Force who are of the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) - commonly known as Delta in the U.S. Army, Delta Force by civilians, and Combat Applications Group by the Department of Defense - is a Special Operations Force (SOF) and an integral element of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Delta Force's primary tasks are counter-terrorism and national intervention operations, although it is an extremely versatile group capable of assuming many missions, including, but not limited to, rescuing hostages, raids, and eliminating covert enemy forces. Delta Force conducts missions similar to those attributed to the British Special Air Service (SAS), on which it was originally modelled.John Wiseman set a record being the youngest to pass SAS Selection at the very young age of 18 which is no longer possible and now cannot be beat. His service with the Special Air Service Regiment started in 1958 and served with 22 SAS for approx. 26 years. His worldwide service saw activity in every theatre of special forces operation and was,Sergeant Major, B Squadron Sabre Squadron 22 SASSergeant Major 22 SAS Training WingHead of Operational Research 22 SASHe set up the SP Team Counter Hi-Jack now CRW Counter Revolutionary Warfare Wing, The CRW Wing is now nominally made up of the personnel drawn from a single squadron, originally designated "Pagoda", which is relieved every 6 - 9 months. The squadron is split up into two combined troops, "Red" and "Blue", with each troop made up of an assault group and a sniper team. Though the counter-terrorist teams are based at RHQ in Hereford, a specialist eight-man team is based within the outer London region (4, south London border & 4, north London border/Hertfordshire). This team rapidly responds to any situation in London as requiredHe help set up the SAS Counter-Terrorist now known as 'The Team' for such teams involved in Operation Nimrod The Iranian Embassy Siege of 1980 was a terrorist siege of the Iranian embassy in London. The siege was ended when British special forces, the Special Air Service (SAS), stormed the building in Operation Nimrod. The incident brought the SAS to the world's attention as the whole episode was played out in the media. Which was undertaken from the SAS barracks Stirling Lines in Hereford.John also ran Survival Training School for 22 SAS at Hereford Stirling Lines for survival skills on land, sea, jungle, desert, arctic, and all manor of wilderness environments. Much of the JWIC Jungle Warfare Instructors Course conducted in Borneo Malaysia is built on the solid foundations laid by John Wiseman and those that followed him. The Jungle Warfare Wing (JWW) is located on the island of Borneo, close to the border with Sarawak (Malaysia) and is supported by the British Army's Brunei Garrison. JWW exists to provide a jungle training facility to meet the requirement to train jungle warfare instructors for the British SAS and other regimentsJohn also ran SAS Selection Course which is the hardest course in the world to pass and out of 100 only 5% are consider fit to join the Regiment before they start the real training 'Continuation Training'. The Commanding Officer of 22 SAS is alleged to have said that, "John Lofty Wiseman is an SAS legend" a real accolade from the best.John Lofty Wiseman has trained survival to many specialists over the years both military and civilian and has undoubtedly saved many lives by his love of all things survival. It is his principles of survival and tools which he introduced that has had the biggest impact on the survival world whose achievements cannot be overestimated! Special Forces training particularly in the desert environment in which the regiment first fought and was born as a result of the persistence of David Stirling.
The Special Air Service or SAS is a specialized military operations unit. The training for this unit is considered the most difficult of all the special forces.
They didn't join, they started the transatlantic slave trade...
Yes they can, the're more likley to join the SBS (special boat service) but the SAS invite people in the navy, air force and marines to join the SAS
It is unknown how many Scots, English, Welsh Northern Irish or any other people join the SAS, as their recruitment reports and what not are classified documents.
Yes! Apply to your senior officer for guidance.
It is best to join the army first then move on from there, the SAS are the world elite.Answer:To the best of my knowledge you can't just join the SAS.They only recruit experienced troops: in other words you need some service under your belt first, and then apply.Your chances improve if you're a para.You could join 21(R) or 23(R) SAS (which are territorial)
Yes, if he passes Special Forces selection.
Yes, Bear served as a trooper with 21 SAS.
No. Not unless you become a UK citizen, as required by every other post in the British Army.
Im not 100% sure but, Im pretty sure only brits (like my self) can join the SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (SAS) The US navy seals is pure American and so is the UNSC (I Think)
No. You have to meet the citizenship requirements of the british army which includes nationalities other than british (E.g Commonwealth nations)
As I have suggested elsewhere, if you don't like running don't join the Foreign Legion. Being super fit is just a part of the SAS requirement. You then have to be able to function under extreme stress at a very high standard. & then some.
Maxim Sas's birth name is Maxim Sas.
Sas 1 - statement of accounting policies sas 2 - information to be disclosed in financial statement sas 3 - accounting for property, plant and equipment sas 4 - accounting for stock(inventory) sas 5 - accounting for construction contract sas 6 - prior year, exceptional and extra-ordinary items sas 7 - currency conversion sas 8 - retirement benefit sas 9 - depreciation sas 10 - bank and non-bank financial institutions sas 11 - accounting for lease sas 12 - deferred taxation sas 13 - investment sas 14 - petroleum industry - down-stream sas 15 - bank and non-bank financial institutions (part 2) sas 16 - insurance sas 17 - petroleum industry - up-stream sas 18 - cashflow statement sas 19 - taxation sas 20 - abridge financial statement sas 21 - earnings per share other accounting statements have been issued in recent time