To knuckle one's forehead refers to an old method of showing respect, somewhat like bowing or saluting. Peasants in medieval times would touch the knuckles of their hand to their foreheads as a show of deference to anyone of a higher social status (ie: lords, ladies, etc.)
Death. It is an ancient pirate symbol used in flag-form (black flag and white skull and crossbones). They would fly it on the ship as a way of telling their victims they were about to die. A kind of psychological warfare in the slow approach of a sailing ship full of people about to kill you. It was quite effective.
The simple answer is that the Revolutionaries wanted change and the existing French government under King Louis XVI desired to maintain the status quo. At some point one side or the other was going knuckle under, yell uncle or call it quits. If that failed to transpire "Heads were going to Roll" (Pun Intended)They got change, bread and hope.King Louis got to face the guillotine.As an unintended consequence the Citizen's also were allowed to participate in the Reign of Terror, the reign of Napoleon and the creation of a French Empire.
Grandmother was smaller than me at eight. Had she been child forever? Helpless, hopeless, chin sharp as a knuckle, fan face hardly half-opened, not a scrap of fat anywhere; she tottered in black silk, leaning on handmaids on two tortured fins. At sixty, his sons all married, grandfather bought her Soochow flower song bird. every bone in her feet Had been broken, bound tighter Than any neighbor's sweet daughter's. ten toes and instep curled inwards, yellow petals of chrysanthemum, wrapped in gold cloth. He bought the young face, small knobby breast he swore he'd not dress in sarong of maternity. Each night he held her feet in his palms like lotus in the tight hollow of celestial lakes. In his calloused flesh, her Weightless soles, cool and slack, Clenched in his stranger's fever.
Margarete, Countess of Tyrol, or The Ugly Duchess, lived in the 14th Century. She was the duchess of Tyrol and princess of Carinthia. She has the dubious distinction of being considered by many to have been the ugliest woman in history. There are two famous portraits supposedly of Margaraete by Leonardo Da Vinci and Quentin Massys. However they may not be wholly accurate for two reasons, one being that they were painted at least 200 years after her death. The other reason is that Margarete may not have been at all ugly. She was the daughter of Henry, the Duke of Carinthia and Count of Tyrol. She succeeded her father in the county of Tyrolean in 1335. In 1330 she was married at the age of twelve to John-Henry, the Margrave of Moravia. In 1341 she expelled her husband and was "wed" to Louis I, the Margrave of Bavarian. As a result of this civil marriage, Pope Clement VI excommunicated Margarete and her husband from the Church. The scandalous news spread across Europe and thereafter Margarete was branded "whore", and "ugly woman". Margarete died in 1361, just shy of her 51st birthday. The reference to "ugly" may have referred entirely to Margarete's character upon her excommunication and not to her appearance. However the grotesque image of a duchess in the two portraits is suggested as possibly belonging to Margarete, perhaps as a mockery of her character. Whatever the truth, the woman who sat for the painting had to be very powerful and must have paid the artist a significant sum of money to do it, as it was unlikely that anyone else would have purchased it. Whoever the woman in the portrait is (and if she did indeed exist), it is now believed that she suffered from a rare and advanced form of Paget's Disease, also known as osteitis deformans. The disease enlarged her jaw bones, extended her upper lip and pushed up her nose, giving her a distinctly apelike appearance. The disease also affected her hands, forehead and eye sockets. Normally Paget's Disease affects the pelvic region and the femur. When it does affect the head it is usually just the cranium however in this case she must have suffered from a rare form that affected her entire face. Usually the disease does not appear until later in life so it is possible that the subject was an attractive woman before her symptoms appeared. Other than headaches and a damaged pituitary gland the woman likely suffered no other physical side effects of the disease. John Tenniel, the illustrator for Lewis Carroll's text "Alice in Wonderland", made a caricature of The Ugly Duchess that is believed to be based on the two portraits painted by Da Vinci and Massys. However the chapter that included the Duchess was not part of the original text but rather was added to later versions of the story.
I can have a knuckle in my handshake
What is the small lump on the knuckle on thumb
The first knuckle on your finger is typically considered to be the knuckle closest to your hand, where the finger meets the palm.
I think you mean knuckle dagger, and it's like a knuckle puncher ( bronze knuckle) but it also has a small blade on the edge. Leaf Ninja Out! Sincerely, IchigoKitsune95 Knuckle dragger is an insult; it calls a person an ape.
Knuckle Bash was created in 1993.
Knuckle Bash happened in 1993.
Kaiser Knuckle happened in 1994.
Knuckle Heads was created in 1993.
Knuckle Heads happened in 1993.
what is the coast of a knuckle replacement
The illegal bare knuckle fight was raided by police.Knuckle up and get some work done.I have a cut on my knuckle.