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The KGB is Russia's secret police organization created in 1917. In the beginning, the KGB was under control of the People's commission of the USSR. In 1991, the KGB was dissolved, and the foreign intelligence committee assumed duties.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

When the KGB was first formed, it was made to consist of the secret police of the Soviet Union. In 1991, the KGB was dissolved, and the Foreign Intelligence Service has replaced the former KGB.

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When is the first KGB commercial air?

The first kgb commercial aired in March of 2009.

When did the first KGB commercial air?

The first kgb commercial aired in March of 2009

What does KGB stand for-?

In Russian KGB means Komitjet Gosudarstvjennoj Bjezopasnosti, translated this means Committee for State Security

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There isn't any KGB agent in Czech Republic, because there is no KGB anymore.

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The KGB was the national security agency of the Soviet Union, disbanded in 1991. There is no current way to contact the KGB.

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Kgb se kar lo.

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What does 14 KGB mean on a bracelet

10Gb is how much KGB?

first of all its only kb not kgb, and it would be 1 million. 1000 bytes = 1kilobyte. 1000 kb = 1 megabytes and 1000 mb = 1 gigabyte or gb.