if there wasn't a British Empire there would still be slavery in Africa and we had the knoledge to find out about all these differant diseases and ilnesses and we was able to make the medication and give it to less fortunate countries.
There are a total of 196 countries today. 53 of these countries gained independence from the British Empire.
After the end of the French and Indian War, Great Britain, for winning the war, gained Canada (along with Florida and all land east of the Mississippi River, but they later lost all of that). <3
When that phrase was born it was really true. It meant if you looked at a globe of that time you could readily see British colonies or territories spread widely over the globe, so it was daytime in one or another of them all the time. This vast empire disintegrated in the first half of the twenty century. It's technically true today but only because of a handful of people
British mercenaries were soldiers that fought for pay and were not a regular part of the army. Mercenaries were an important part of some of Britain's early war efforts, though they are seldom used today.
Today is Danmark
The British Empire was way larger and was way closer to today than the Roman Empire.
The British Empire today, is now called the British commonwealth, or Commonwealth Realms or Commonwealth of Nations
There have been a few different Self-governing colonies in the British Empire. One that comes to mind is Southern Rhodesia, known today as Zimbabwe.
The British Empire. Great Britain is the latgest island of the British Isles.
To gain power and a larger influence over the world. Without the British Empire, we wouldn't have most of the technology, medicines, Etc. That we have today, most of the money went into the army and scientific research.
About 50 countries were part of the British Empire. The rest of today's modern countries either didn't exist at the time or were in a different Empire. Some were even independent.
England, Wales, Scottland and Northern Ireland. i think....
The British Empire no longer exists. However, there are around 50 countries who used to be part of the British Empire but are now independent and choose to remain part of the Commonwealth of Nations. Those countries include Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and many Caribbean countries.
The Persian Empire was not a Mesopotamian empire - it included Mesopotamia as merely one of it's twenty provinces which stretched from Libya to today's Pakistan..
The British Empire is the reason for the standards of living now. The luxurious living, our Interdependence with other countries for trade. The Industrial revolution defeated the need to do work by hand by creating new machinery and sources of power to run them. We do not have to work as hard as in the 19th century and we now have a strong sense of power. Women can vote and do the jobs that only men used to.
It attempted to impose peace and promote prosperity on the empire, stretching from Libya through the Middle East to today's Pakistan.
For two hundred years it provided an improvement in the stability and prosperity within an empire stretching from today's Libya to Central Asia.