According to the Woodlands Junior School Site, a single voyage of a Tudor sailor could last for several years. Please see the related links for more information.
Life was extremely bad, there food would be dirty and rotten. Also the ships would have been infested with mice and worms. Aswell as that though many sailors had to sleep on deck in cold winter nights with just there 1 set of clothes on. Isn't that awful?
the swallow symbolises home. as sailors in the navy would see swallows as they got closer to home from the sea.
What were two reasons why were the first explorers fearful to sail?
The ships' biscuits became infested with beetles because nobody had found a method of preventing the beetles getting into the biscuits. This continued for hundreds of years after the Tudors.
Sea biscuits and salt cod and meat as sailors ate on ships those days
Sailors call long sea journeys by sea "Voyages"
Sailors in Tudor times often suffered from scurvy due to a lack of vitamin C in their diets during long sea voyages. Scurvy is a deficiency disease that can cause fatigue, joint pain, swollen gums, and even death if left untreated. This was common on ships as fresh fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C were not readily available for long periods at sea.
As long as they stay babies is how long they stay babies.
Sea Songs for Landlocked Sailors was created in 1999.
No none of the sailors on the Mary Rose had scurvy. Mary Rose sank on her maiden voyage and her crew were not at sea long enough to get it.
Sailors used constellations as a navigational aid to determine their position at sea. By observing the position of specific constellations relative to the horizon, they could establish their direction and make adjustments to stay on course. This practice, known as celestial navigation, helped sailors navigate the open oceans before the invention of modern navigational tools.
a few of the sea animals cannot stay under water for a long time.
The most famous Tudor sea explorer was called sir Francis Drake (1542-1596)
During the 18th and early 19th century, after long periods at sea, sailors were afflicted by a condition known as scurvy. It was eventually discovered that this condition was caused by a lack of vitamin C during long sea voyages. To cure the problem, British sailors were given a ration of limes. American sailors were amused by this and started calling the British sailors Limeys which quickly spread to British people in general.
Life was extremely bad, there food would be dirty and rotten. Also the ships would have been infested with mice and worms. Aswell as that though many sailors had to sleep on deck in cold winter nights with just there 1 set of clothes on. Isn't that awful?
4 Days