It killed many many people.
about 5 million got killed in WWII
No. There were many people air-lifted off the top of their houses and more taken from the flood water but none were killed.
3 Million
About 620,000
Approximatel 620,000 soldiers were killed during the American Civil War. There are no accurate figures of the number of civilians killed.
300,000 civilians killed. 150,000 prisoners of war killed. And 50,000 people died in combat in the 4 year civil war.
5 million people were injured and 1000 people died
An exact number is not know, and estimates are widely disputed but many historians agree around 618,000 people in all were killed.
The term "people" implies civilians; that figure would have to be researched. As for men killed during the US Civil War, for both sides, approximately 800,000 men were killed on the battlefields. Far more than that died from diseases.
365,000 total dead. 140,414 killed in action
1,723 Confederates and 1,754 Unionists were killed at the battle of Shiloh.
There were 110,000 killed in civil war!!!! Im positive
There were many civilians killed during the Civil War. When Federal forces shelled Atlanta, many civilians were killed, just for one example.
a lot of people got killed