No. But she was engaged to a man named Charles Morrison who was 30 when she was sixty( which means he could have been her son). But Mary decided not to marry him because the missions board said he was needed in Duke Town and Mary wanted to stay in Ekenge. So she called the marriage off.
Mary, Bridget, Sarah, John and Charles
Zheng-He had 3 siblings 2 of wich were his sisters and the other his brother.
he had 10 siblings
There are many, many saints named mary. Please be specific.
Mary Slessor's mother- Mary Slessor.
mary slessor's kids are Kinda Legonae Slessor and Kar Legigonasia Slessor
Mary Slessor was a missionary in African tribes and made peace with everyone
Mary Slessor was born on the 2 December 1848.
Mary Slessor was engaged but she Called off the marriage because she wanted in her own town in Calabar Africa.
She was 66
Mary Fairafax Sonerville was famous for teaching herself math and science.
He died of a heart attack.
She went to calabar to stop the kiilling of twins. Mary Slessor also went to calabar 3 times.She caught maleria and felt like she was going to die but she did not die.
The work of Mary Slessor was that of a missionary. She was a missionary in Nigeria from Scotland. She taught in the mission station among other missionary works.