The upper classes were exposed to the New Learning, and were proud of their civilised status. The lower classes enjoyed a period of relative peace, though the destruction of the monasteries upset the religious certainties.
describe how religious changes led to crime in the sixteenth century
Spain primarily traded with other European States in the 16th century, like the Austrian Empire or France.
16th century October.
child laborers who worked in dangerous mine shafts
changes in European society 16th century?
16th century in England.
what were three common medecines used in the 16th century england
how am i supposed to noe? wuz i alive? no! so ha!
The national language of England in 1564 was Early Modern English.
They wore nothing special, just like what people usually wore in 16th century England.
In the 16th century England for the poor.
Queen Elizabeth I
England, in 16th century.
Around the 15th-16th Century