The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.
The estates general had 3 estates, commoners, clergy, and nobility. Parliament had 2, commoners and nobility.
More important, the estates general had given the king the ability to levy taxes. Parliament never gave the king that authority.
As a result the British Parliament met constantly because the king always needed money.
The estates general stopped meeting after it gave the king the power to levy taxes.
When things became a total mess and the laws needed to be changed, then King Louis xvi had to call a meeting of the Estates General. At that point things got out of hand and the French Revolution started.
The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.
because GOD SAID SO
France's medieval parliament was called Estates-General or States-General. It was eventually replaced by the National Constituent Assembly during the French Revolution.
Estates General
The National Assembly was the self-proclaimed government during the early days of the Revolution. They were the representatives of the Third Estate (meaning everybody in the population who wasn't noble or clergy) who went to attend the calling of the Estates General by King Louis XVI. The Third Estate's representatives had high hopes for the Estates General meeting, such as fair representation with the clergy and nobles, but they were disappointed. When Louis XVI stopped the meeting altogether, the Third Estate's representatives met in a nearby tennis court and proclaimed themselves the National Assembly of France. The National Assembly was the functioning government body during the first part of the Revolution. They were the ones who issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.
The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.
The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.
The National Assembly was formed mostly by members of the third estate, while the Estates General consisted of the first, second, and third estates.
The national Assembly was created ,
the national assembly
The National Assembly was formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates General. After the French Revolution the National Assembly became known as the National Constituent Assembly.
The National Assembly was formed by common citizens, while the Estates General was formed by citizens from all walks of life.
The national Assembly was created ,
because GOD SAID SO
The First and Second Estate.
It was essentially abandoned and replaced by the National Assembly.