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they where used to navigate using sun and stars :)

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Q: How were astrolabes used?
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Related questions

What was astrolabes and quadrants used for?

Astrolabes were used for measuring the altitude of stars and planets, aiding in navigation and timekeeping. Quadrants were used for measuring angles, particularly the altitude of celestial bodies, for navigation or astronomical observations. Both instruments were essential tools for ancient astronomers and navigators.

How are astrolabes used today?

Navigation, Astronomy, Geography, Surveying, and Time Keeping just to name a few.

What kinds of material were astrolabes made from in the past?

Astrolabes were made using metals such as brass. This gave the toolsÊadded strength among various journeys but weighted down their overall usefulness.

Was hypatia a contributor?

She could make astrolabes.

What has the author R T Gunther written?

R. T Gunther has written: 'The astrolabes of the world' -- subject(s): Ashmolean Museum, Astrolabes, Bibliography

Who made astrolabes?

It was made by scientist, Arab Concelia.

How do compasses and astrolabes help sailors?

Compasses help sailors determine the direction in which they are traveling by detecting the Earth's magnetic field. Astrolabes were used by sailors to determine the altitude of celestial bodies, such as the sun or stars, which helped them navigate by calculating their position relative to these reference points.

What navigation tools were used in the 1400s?

Magnectic Compass Astrolabes Quadrants Hand Lead Line ~There are also more that I didn't list down~

What instrument were used to figure out position from the stars temple in mecca?

In ancient times, instruments like astrolabes and star charts were used to determine position using the stars in Mecca. Astrolabes measured the altitude of stars above the horizon, while star charts helped identify specific stars and their positions relative to Earth. These tools were essential for navigation and timekeeping.

How do people use astrolabes?

You need to look where the shadow is leaning

What Navigation tools were used in the early 1400s?

Magnectic Compass Astrolabes Quadrants Hand Lead Line ~There are also more that I didn't list down~

What is another name of celestial globe?

Also known as astrolabes and armillaries.