The United Nations set a goal for China that women would hold 30% of political positions; this goal has not been met.
To Unlock Dead Ops Arcade You Type On The Terminal "DOA" Then Enter To Unlock "Five Zombie Map" You Type In "3arc Unlock" Then EnterTo Unlock "Eaten by a Grue" achievement you Type In "zork" then enterI hope this helps you :) happy gaming :P From Guttc002 the Right Answer Is Here :P Just another is "3arc cheat" and it unlocks all intel. NOTE: THIS MAKES YOU NOT ABLE TO GET THE "CLOSER ANALYSIS" ACHIEVEMENT! By: mountaineer men
Yes, the internet is the most dangerous part of a computer. Internet could be dangerous for children, but it is also an excellent source of information and education. However, the freedom of the internet and the lack of monitoring can have some rather dangerous consequences, especially for schoolchildren. Teachers can play their part to limit the potential scope of this problem by teaching students how to use this double-edged sword, which is indispensable to survive and thrive in the 21st century.