32% goes on agriculture; but 45% goes on promoting economic growth. Take your pick. PS: see http://ec.europa.eu/budget/index_en.htm
Henry Hudson
he was in the tower of london for three years
they wanted more power and to steal things from other countries
Nobody cares. Money is money you get it and spend it away its nothing but at the same time its everything.
a federal budget deficit
Deficit spending is the opposite of budget surplus. It means spending more money than you have - going into debt.
Deficit spending will ultimately lead the country further and further into debt. It is impossible to spend money that you don't have.
A budget deficit occurs when certain entities spend more money than they take in. This will result in a negative economic growth. An accumulated flow of deficits will result in debts.
Budget deficit is how much we spend per year over what we take in from taxes. National debt is the total amount the nation owes (the deficits added together).
A budget deficit is one element of some budgets but is not a "type" of budget. You may be thinking of a "deficit budget" (see below). To start: a budget is simply a spending plan - how much the government is going to spend over the next budget period (often a year), and on what. This includes interest the government has to spend on money it has previously borrowed (usually through bonds). If the total to be spent is expected to exceed what the government expects to take in (usually through taxes), the difference is the deficit, often called the "budget deficit". On the other hand, if the government expects to take in more money than it spends, the difference is a surplus, called the budget surplus. A budget that has a deficit is a "deficit budget"; one that has a surplus is called a "surplus budget"; and one that has neither (that is, spending and income are equal) is called a "balanced budget". It's worth noting that "deficit" and "debt" are not the same. The deficit is the amount by which the government overspends its income in a single budgetary period, typically a year. The debt is the total amount of money the government owes, and can be calculated by adding up all the budget deficits and surpluses the government has ever run.
budget deficit
to workout the effective relationship its budget/spend*100 = %. Where the % is 100 or less this means you are at or under budget (on budget is the target aimed for) where the % is greater than 100 you are spend is OVER budget.
Basically when a country spends more money than the amount of money they are receiving when EXPENDITURE is greater than INCOME Eg. If I have 60 million but I spend 80 million, I have -20million This is a deficit
It allows gotverment to spend more, thus encouraging thier economy, in hopes to return more income from the effect.
It means to spend according to what you earn and not to spend beyond that.