When someone says they want something done in a timely manner, it usually means they want it done quickly. This statement is commonly used in the workplace.
An example of the word curious used in this manner is this, "She was curious to the meaning of new words."
Often people who would not admit to heresy would be burned at the stake after a trial. Other forms of public execution were also sometimes used for heretics.
There are five main reasons why malays rejected Malayan Union. 1. Malays were against liberal citizenship. 2. The position of the Malay 3. Malays faced competition 4. High-handed and arbitrary manner of introduction 5. From the former British administrators
Accounts written by scholars about kingdoms, their courtiers and living conditions of common people were called court chronicles. ... Chronicles were basically detailed and registered court accounts in continuous manner through a particular order of time.
He completed the assignment in a timely manner.
Assuming that you mean, in timely manner as opposed to in timely matter, the former means to do something in a reasonable about of time. For example, you could write in a letter for the respondent to reply to you in a timely manner, because you hope that they will reply to you soon.
timely manner
why should financial information must be shared in a timely manner?
It means that they were unable to obtain your information in a timely manner.
It means to do something reasonably quickly, or when it should be done. This may be relative to what the task/request it's referring to. For example, a timely manner for a pizza delivery might be 30 minutes. A timely manner to return a book you have borrowed from a friend might be a month or 2.
promptly means in a timely manner
Doing something in a timely manner means within a suitable period. The phrase is not used as "timely matter."
Yes, it is correct to say "Getting this done in a timely manner" if you want to express the need for something to be completed promptly.
No, the sentence is not grammatically correct. Here is the corrected version: "Thank you for resolving this matter in a timely manner."
Delivering packages in a timely manner