Qin Shi Huang was the founder of Qin dynasty in China. He was the emperor of Qin dynasty from 220-210 BC. He died in 210 BC.
her name is zhao ji
his tomb is considered art
According to the historical book Shiji (史记), Qin Shi-huang (秦始皇) whose name is Ying Zheng (嬴政) born in the 1st month 48th year during the reign of Qin Zhao-xiang-wang (秦昭襄王), the his great-grandfather. Thus, the birthday of Qin Shi-huang is reckoned to be 19th October, 259 BC.
He buried alive scholars and burned all books except of pharmacy, medicine, forestry and divination he was a Megalomaniac (power freak)
The Qin Dynasty.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang died on 10 September 210 BCE.
no Shi Huangdi means first empire Qin Shi Huangdi was the first empire
he was 58
Qin dynasty
They were built to honor the First Qin Emperor Shi Huang. The warriors were comissioned either by Shi Huang himself or his heirs. The belief is that they were created by local artisans.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang's son's name was Qin Er Shi. He was the second emperor of the Qin dynasty.
Qin Shi Huang in Qin Dynasty.
Terracotta Army
qin shi huang
November 260 BC
He was a man.