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yeah she is alive

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Q: Is netaji subhash chandra Bose doughter anita Bose still alive?
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Is Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose dead or alive?

Subhash Chandra Bose died in a severe air crash after he reached Cygone.

Is subhash chandra Bose alive?

Subhas Chandra Bose (born 23 January 1897) is in all likelihood dead despite the mystery surrounding his death and where the body is buried .

Where is subhas chandra Bose?

he is either alive and in bad condition or had died .

Is Subhash Chandra Bose alive today?

the_nanobreaker says - NO, Mr. Bose is not alive today . but body evidence is not found till today and who knows is there any bioscience equipment could keep a man till today ... lots of things in this world is still a secret and i think we have discovered a 40% of the whole world we live. still got 60% and believe it or not its will be quiet interesting and shocking of this 60% part.

What does the metaphor idiom or saying 'breathe the sky'-mean as from chandra prasad's new book 'breathe the sky-a novel inspired by Amelia Earhart'?

It means to be alive; to live.

How short is the shortest man alive?

The shortest man alive is 26 inches (2 feet and 2 inches).The shortest man in history, deemed by Guinness, is Chandra Bahadur Dani. He was 72 years old in 2012 and measured 21.5 inches tall, taking the record from the former shortest man, who measured 22 inches tall.

Who and what is the height of the smallest man alive?

He Ping Ping is dead now and the shortest man living is Edward Hernandez. He is 27 inches tall and he is from Columbia. There is a competitor named Junrey Balawing who is 17 and is the world's smallest teenager and only stands 22 inches. He is getting ready to be the world's smallest man.

Which scientist discovered plants have life?

i think the plants discovered their own life

Who is the best sceintist in the world?

The best scientist in the world that is Alive is:Pranav Mistrybut the top ten scientist are:AristotleSir Isaac NewtonGalileo GalileiCharles Robert DarwinAlbert EinsteinThomas EdisonAlessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio VoltaStephen HawkingLouis PasteurSir Jagadish Chandra BoseGuglielmo Marchese Marconi

When did subash chandra Bose die?

Mr. Bose died because the Russians and the Japanese betrayed him and sent him on a plane which was surely going to crash. There are many rumors floating around regarding his death, but according to me this reason is the right one.

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How many years was Cleopatra alive?

Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.