It is true.
Danish explorer working for Russia was the last country to send an explorer to the new world. Vitus J. Bering reached American lands in 1741.
vikingsRelics found recently indicate that the Nordic explorers reached the Americas long before Columbus
Giovanni da Verrazano was a Florentine explorer, he was at the service of the government of France and he is remembered as the first European explorer who reached and adventured into the territory of North America, he walked along the coast located between the Carolinas and Newfoundland.
Historians have proven that several hundred years before Columbus (1492) the Vikings came to the New World and before them it has been proven the Chinese also had ships arrive in North America.
Christopher Columbus is the explorer who reached the Americas under the flag of Castile. He is an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer.
not hardly- Columbus lived long before anybody even dreamed of a US president. (Columbus was an Italian explorer who sailed under the Spanish flag and reached North America in 1492.)
Christoper Columbus
christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus. :)
Marco Polo
Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer and cartographer, is credited for proving that Columbus had discovered a new continent. He conducted several voyages to the Americas and mapped the coastlines, ultimately demonstrating that Columbus had not reached Asia as originally believed.
Born in October 1451, Christopher Columbus is the famous Italian explorer who is credited with discovering the American Continent. Setting sail for Asia in 1492, Christopher Columbus reached San Salvador near the present day Bahama Islands on October 12th 1492.
Christopher Columbus.
he though the could reach Asia by sailing west because he thought the world was three thirds of its actual size and he did not know America was here.
Giovanni Caboto.