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The three estates were the clergy , nobility and the peasants/trades people, etc.

Clergy - was the largest owner of the land - clergy was exempt from paying taxes to the state.

Nobility- nobles further enjoyed feudal privileges and some privileges from birth.

Peasants and trades people - peasants were obliged to render services to the lord, work in his house or fields, work in the army or to participate in building roads. They had to pay a number of taxes to the slay and to the church.

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13y ago

The three estates of the Middle Ages were.......

1. the clergy - (those who prayed)

2. the nobility - (those who fought)

3. the peasants and townspeople - (those who worked)

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those who work, those who fight, those who pray

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10y ago

First Estate is the clergy.

Second Estate is nobility, royalty, and aristocrats - except the monarch.

Third Estate is everyone else.

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Is class the system of stratification for feudal societies of the European Middle Ages?

The European Ages used class and estates as a system of stratification for feudal societies. Feudalism had three estates, which were the Church was the first estate, the nobility were the second, and the peasants were the third estate.

How would limiting the size of roman estates help the poor?

As Rome grew, many Rome's rich landowners lived on huge estates. Small farmers found it difficult to compete with the large estates. So a large number of them old their lands to wealthy landowners. They became poor and jobless. So if they limited the size of the roman estates, the small farmers wouldn't have to sell lands and become poor.

A defining characteristic of feudalism was?

public authority predominantly in private hands- the owners of land estates

What are 2 social classes called in Rome?

There were three classes in Rome. The patricians were an aristocracy and owners of large landed estates. The Equites (equestrians, cavalrymen) were an entrepreneurial group: bankers, moneylenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining. The plebeians were the poor.

What is the correct chronological order of the events of the french revolution?

Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedNapoleon's personal diary has the events in perfect chronological order. It's hard to find though, good luck.The National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is drafted.Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the Bastille

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Who was the representative from the three estates?

Estates General

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What are the three key ideas in the meeting of the estates general?" what was the problem in the estates. what was the problem in the estates.

How does a noble fit into feudalism?

A noble is one of the three estates. The three estates were the Clergy Nobility Serf/peasant

What was the meeting of the three estates called?

general assembly

What was the class system called in the French Revolution?

The Three Estates.

What are the three estates of renaissance society?

The clergy, the nobility, and the peasants.

What were the three groups of people who made up the Estates General or France's first parliament?

The French Estates General was made up of three main groups. This first Parliament consisted of the First Estates of clergy, the Second Estate of nobility, and the Third Estate of commoners.

Which of the three estates' main income was feudal dues?

The Second Estate.

What are the three estates in the French Revolution?

The three Estates were the First Estate which included the Catholic Clergy, the Second Estate which consisted of the French Nobles and the Third Estate which was the commoners who represented 95 to 97% of the population.

Did the french revolution get rid of the three estates?

i think The third estate is the common people, the largest group of people in France, difficult to get rid of them. On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate began the French Revolution. The formation of the National Constituent Assembly marked the end of the Estates-General, but not of the three estates.

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Who said '' let all three estates list their grievances to me ''?

Louis XVI