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Until about 1580 Spain was the 'top dog' in Europe. The revolt of the Dutch provinces from 1568 onwards and the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 (combined with state bankruptcy in Spain itself) mark the start of a long decline.

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From about 1400 to 1700, the Dutch were the leading economic power in Europe. They gain considerable wealth exporting, textiles, glass, and jewelry.

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Q: Most powerful country in Europe in the 1500s?
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There were multiple most powerful countries in Europe during the Golden Age of Exploration. They included Spain, France, and England.

What was the strongest country in the 1500s?

There is a good reason why Spain divided the world in 2 with Portugal in the infamous 1494 treaty of tordesilhas. They both had the most powerful armadas at that time and Portugal came to be the first global empire in the World.

What was the conflict that made France the most powerful country of Europe?

I'd argue the Hundred Years' War made France the most powerful country in Europe, although only for a short period of time. France defeated England, as the House of Valois maintained its throne of France.

What country was the most powerful?

The most powerful ancient country ever is Iran! For thousand of years, Iran had been able to have a stable empire from very west to the east of the world. And It is still called with that ancient name which makes it the oldest established country! I would have to say Greece. When Alexander the great conquered Europe Greece was the biggest country and had the most powerful army in the world The Roman Empire because it built modern Europe.

What country dominates western Europe?

Germany is the most powerful, but the degree of actual domination is not that great; the countries of Western Europe have an amicable and cooperative union.

What two countries were considered the most powerful in the late 1400s and early 1500s?

China portugal