Mainly just made it easier to carry around. Before you had to carry big coins around, which was heavy and annoying. Money is more conveniet.
area 2 (french indochina)
When your heart is weighted down by sorrow. Often times a death, or when you are still in love with someone from the past. With a very heavy heart I must inform you all that John "Buddha" Camille passed away.
Heavy use of diagonal lines
because water can be very heavy and hard to carry in their arms
toType your answer here... to increase the surface area so that less pressure will be exerted by it.
no they do not have magnetite in their brains it would make there heads too heavy to carry
Sometimes, in the old days, sheep would carry heavy loads.
The cast of Heavy Heads - 2010 includes: Martin Juel Dirkov as Piotr Sira Stampe as Monika
Potters place a round piece of cloth on their heads when carrying heavy loads to distribute the weight evenly and reduce strain on their neck and shoulders. This traditional method allows them to balance heavy objects more efficiently while also protecting their bodies from excessive pressure.
I had to carry many heavy books. Would you carry my books. If you carry my books, I won't have to carry them.
Professions that require you to carry heavy equipment are welding, construction workers, petroleum engineers.
There 194 heads 1970 to 1980 heavy cast iron heads
To carry heavy loads
There are Moais from a few tons to 86 tons.
A Nimitz Class carrier can carry approximately 90 fixed wing and rotary aircraft.