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Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is the Chairman of Planning Commision

whereas Montek Singh Ahluwalia is the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission.

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Who was the chairman of the national planning committee in India?

Chairman of the Planning Commission of India is Prime Minister. Hence at present the Chairman is Dr. Manmohan Singh. Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia is the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission.

Who is Present deputy chairman of planning commission?

Montek S. Ahluwalia

Who is the present chairman of planning commission?

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Indian Planning Commission does not have a Vice-President instead headed by a Chairman and a Deputy chairman. Prime Minister of India is always the ex-officio Chairman.Thus at present Dr. Manmohan Singh is the Chairman. The present Deputy Chairman is Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia.

Name of the present chairman of national planning commission of India?

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The Prime Minister is the chairman of Planning Commission.

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Prime Minister appoints the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission.

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The serving Prime Minister of India holds the position of Chairman of Planning commission...

Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India?

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India.

Chairman of planning commission of india?

who is the deputy chairman of planning comisson

Who is the deputy chairman of planning commission?

According to my observation. there has no president in planning commission in INDIA. while planning commission has one chairman and one deputy chairman . At time our Hon. prime minister -Mr.Manmohan Shingh. is the chairman of planning commission . and deputy chairman is Mr. Montek singh Ahluwalia.

Traditionally who remains as the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India?

Traditionally Prime Minister holds the post of the Chairman of Planning Commission.