Roanoke Island is on the Outer Banks of the Coast of North Carolina. It is named after the Roanoke Carolina Algonquians, a tribe of Native Americans that inhabited the area when the first English explorers arrived in the 16th century.
North Carolina
MadagascarMadagascar is an island about 240 miles off the southeastern coast of Africa
The Duyong Cave is an ancient burial spot in the Philippines. It is located off the southwest coast of the Palawan Island.
Ralegh's settlement in what is now North Carolina was on Roanoke Island. It became known as 'the lost colony'. It was designated the Cittie of Ralegh, but the name never quite took hold because the colony failed.
== == In July 1585, 108 Englishmen went ashore at Roanoke Island off the coast of what is now called North Carolina. By the summer of 1586 there supplies were almost gone. They returned with Sir Frances Drake. He was the first Englishman to sail around the world. May 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh tried again to build a colony at Roanoke. This time there were 117 men, women and children aboard. He sailed back to England for supplies, promising to return soon. Before he could sail back to Roanoke War broke out between England and Spain. England needed his ship for war. Sir Walter Raleigh ships were not able to return until 1509. All the colonists had disappeared. The only clue left was the word "CROATOAN"
North Carolina
Roanoke was a colony established on an island off the coast of present-day North Carolina.
North Carolina
Roanoke was located in what is now North Carolina, Plymouth was located in what is now Massachusetts, and Jamestown was located in what is now Virginia.
Kangaroo Island is located off the coast of the Australian state of South Australia.
An island off the coast of SC.
Kangaroo Island is located off the coast of the Australian state of South Australia.
The Gulf of Mexico is located of the southern coast of the United States.
Sir Walter Raleigh atemped to colonize the island of Roanoke off of the coast of North Carolina
The Roanoke Island colony was located off the coast of present-day North Carolina in the United States. It was one of the first English attempts to establish a permanent settlement in the New World in the late 16th century.
Roanoke Island was a small settlement established by the English in the late 16th century. It was located off the coast of what is now North Carolina. The fate of the settlers at Roanoke Island remains a mystery, as they disappeared without a trace, leading to the island being known as the "Lost Colony."