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Promised land reform, limited foreign ownership of key resources, guaranteed the rights of workers, and placed restrictions on clerical education. Marked formal end of Mexican Revolution.

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The 1917 Mexican constitution was named for Venustiano Carranza. Carranza was one of the Mexican Revolution leaders who became the 37th president of Mexico in 1914.

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Q: The 1917 Mexican constitution was named for what Mexican president?
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What Mexican president was the Mexican constitution named after in 1917?

Venustiano Carranza (1859-1920)

Until the Constitution of 1917 how many terms can a Mexican president serve?

There was no limit on the times a candidate could run for presidency.

Why is Mexican constitution of 1917 significant?

The Mexican Constitution was the first successful constitution Mexico had and used, and it has influenced the Mexican government for decades since its writing.

What Mexican president revised the Mexican Constitution?

The last version of the Constitution was completed in 1917 by President Venustiano Carranza (1859-1920). Since then, there have been several amendments in 1934 (socialist education), 1946 (secular education), 1992 (granting religious groups legal status) and 2005 (ban on capital punishment).

Is Mexico a presidential country?

Yes it is. Mexico is a Federal Presidential Representative Republic, officially named Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) which is based on a presidential system set up by the Mexican 1917 Constitution.

Was the constitution in Mexico signed in Mexico City?

No. Current Mexican constitution was signed in Queretaro in February 5, 1917.

Why is 1917 an important date in Mexican history?

It is the year the last and current draft of the Mexican Constitution was made (February 5).

What event ended the Mexican Revolution in 1917?

There is a dispute as to the actual date of the end of the Mexican Revolutionary war. The military stand point on it is 1920 with the death of the Constitutional armies first chief. The Mexican Constitution was put into effect in 1917.

Why is the Mexican Constitution of significant?

The Mexican Constitution was the first successful constitution Mexico had and used, and it has influenced the Mexican government for decades since its writing.

Who was in charge of Mexico?

Mexico is a Federal Representative Republic, officially named Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) which is based on a presidential system set up by the Mexican 1917 Constitution. The Federal Government is constituted by the Powers of the Union, which are the three branches of government: the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary.

Is February 5 2009 the anniversary of the constitution?

Not the U.S. Constitution. February 5, 1917 is a date associated with the approval of the Political Constitution of the Mexican United States.

When was the no reelection made in Mexico?

It was one of the causes of the Mexican Revolution. Near the end of such conflict (1917), the Mexican constitution was changed to forbid reelection.