The US constitution specified that Congress was free to outlaw the slave trade after 20 years. Congress did so the first date it was allowed.The Constitution prohibited Congress from outlawing the Atlantic slave trade for twenty years.
No. Slavery and the slave trade had been going on in Africa for centuries before the Atlantic Slave trade came into being.
Slave families were split up
Britain dominated the Atlantic slave trade.
England was the first to be involved with the slave trade
I think you are confused. The confederacy wanted to keep slavery.
The Confederate Constitution prohibited the international slave trade but permitted the domestic institution without restriction and forbade any Confederate state to abolish it.
The 1808 Slave Trade Compromise in the Constitution.
These words can be found in the Confederate States Constitution, which was the supreme law of the Confederate States of America from 1861 to 1865. This document explicitly protected the right to own slaves and sanctioned the slave trade as a legitimate commercial activity within the Confederate states.
The US constitution specified that Congress was free to outlaw the slave trade after 20 years. Congress did so the first date it was allowed.The Constitution prohibited Congress from outlawing the Atlantic slave trade for twenty years.
The United States Constitution protected the slave trade for twenty years. This protection was not to expire prior to the year 1808. After January first of that year, laws could take effect to end the slave trade in the United States.
Congress was given the power to ban the slave trade after 1808.
The Slave Trade
for economic results