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Q: The Russian Empire had its origins as a small principality in the vicinity of which Russian city?
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Who was the leader of the Russian empire?

Depends what Russian Empire you are talking about...

Which was bigger the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union during ww1?

the Russian empire

Who was bigger the Russian empire or the Soviet Union?

the Russian empire is bigger than the sovient union

What is meant by principality in the Bible?

In the Bible 'principality' means a kingdom or empire with a ruler. It covers all sizes from a large country to a small city state. In the plural it means the rulers of the world.

What country is the Russian Empire in?

The Russian empire no longer exists and therefore is no loner in any country.

When was Ministry of Police of the Russian Empire created?

Ministry of Police of the Russian Empire was created in 1810.

When was Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire created?

Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire was created in 1802.

When was Ministry of War of the Russian Empire created?

Ministry of War of the Russian Empire was created in 1802.

When was State Duma of the Russian Empire created?

State Duma of the Russian Empire was created in 1905.

When was Northwestern Front - Russian Empire - created?

Northwestern Front - Russian Empire - was created in 1914.

When did Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire end?

Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire ended in 1917.