"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a main policy in realpolitik. This led the US to support corrupt & brutal dictatorships.
When World War One developed, the US followed a policy of neutrality towards the nations involved in that conflict. In 1917, however, the German announcement that it would resume unrestricted submarine warfare pushed the US into the war against Germany and her allies.
Open door policy
There is a difference of opinion regarding the religious policy followed by Sher Shah. According to Dr. Qanungo, "Sher Shah followed a policy of religious toleration towards the Hindus. His attitude was not contemptuous sufferance but respectful deference." Principal Sri Ram Sharma differs from Qanungo. Sher Shah was very much devoted to his own faith. He did his prayers five times a day. On more than one occasion, Sher Shah resorted to Jehad or holy war against the Rajputs. War against Pooranmal of Raisin was officially called a Jehad. His treatment of Maldeo of Jodhpur is a symbol of his intolerance. The same could be said about the siege of Kalinjar. Generally, Sher Shah was tolerant in matters of religious belief. He separated politics from ethics. He did not carry on any organized propaganda against the Hindus. On the whole, he was tolerant towards the Hindus. According to Dr. A. L. Srivastava, "The net result of Sher Shah's policy was that his Muslim subjects never felt angry with him on account of his liberal and lenient policy towards the Hindus. On the other hand, Akbar, in his anxiety to please his Hindu subjects, ignored the sentiments of his Muslim subjects. Its result was that he (Akbar) no doubt was successful in pleasing the Hindus, but he lost the sympathy of his Muslim subjects and, as such, became an obstacle in uniting the two communities into one. Sher Shah's policy was that Islam should be given its due dignity and supremacy in this land but, at the same time, Hinduism also should not be held inferior nor should it be degraded. In those days, therefore, this attitude and policy was more useful and appropriate, according to which he (Sht Shah) could openly favour the Hindus without displeasing the Muslims as well.
why did France and britiain choose the policy of appeasement
No such policy exists.
what effect did the policy of ethnic cleansing have on the people in Serbia
Ethnic cleansing is a policy aimed at removing a particular ethnic group from a specific area through acts of violence or forced displacement. It is a violation of human rights and is considered a form of genocide.
This policy is called ethnic cleansing, which involves the forced removal or displacement of a particular ethnic group from a certain geographic area through violent or discriminatory means. It is considered a human rights violation and is often associated with conflicts and mass atrocities.
They didn't practice Ethnic cleansing. That is just a rumor Croatia and Bosnia made up when in fact Croatia was the one killing all serbian people except boys under the age of 10 and converted them into catholics and taught them to become "croatians" and fight against their people. And that is how the croatian people were created. For the charges Serbia and Bosnia are accused for is the ethnic cleansing which is false on both sides. It was war and it is normal that people were going to die, they just had to make the story a little more dramatic. My nationality is Serbian and I study the History of Serbia and the politics.
Russifictaion was the policy of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire.
Russifictaion was the policy of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian empire.
It looks as if this is a wordsearch type of question. The general word for killing or attempting to kill a whole ethnic group is genocide. This particular genocide is widely referred to as the Holocaust.
is the process or policy of eliminating unwanted ethnic or religious groups by deportation, forcible displacement, mass murder