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prevent domination by any one country

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Q: The primary aim of the concept of balance of power in Europe during the 19th century was to?
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What new balance of power concept developed in the eighteenth century?

Realpolitik. adaptation to existing facts, pursuing plain objects, admitting no obligation to ideals. Used by Bismark to maintain the balance of power in Europe.

Where wad atheism founded?

Atheism as a word was coined in 16th century Europe, but the concept is known to date back to 6th century BC Europe and Asia.

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Who changed the balance of power in 18th century Europe?

If you're talking very late 18th century, the answer would be Napoleon Bonaparte. The rest of the 18th century was not a period of major balance of power-shifts.

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The concept of providing pensions for retired employees did not begin until the nineteenth century in Europe and did not significantly spread to the United States until the early twentieth century

How did realism reflect the economic and social realities of Europe during the middle decades of the nineteenth century?

Realism was an ideological concept. It came about as a result of the various social and economic upheavals that happened in Europe during the nineteenth century. Therefore it could be argued that it did reflect the situation then.

How did pinatas spread across Europe?

Although pinatas are most often associated with Mexico, their origins are actually in China. The concept of breaking a container filled with treats came to Europe during the 14th century.

What is the primary mountain range in Europe?

The primary mountain range in Europe is the Alps.

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Industrialization brought people to the cities and eroded agricultural society. In the 19th century, Central Europe industrialized.

How did the industrial revolution shift the world balance power?

Industrialization brought people to the cities and eroded agricultural society. In the 19th century, Central Europe industrialized.

What continent is considered the birthplace of democracy?

The birthplace of democracy is commonly considered to be Europe. Specifically, ancient Greece, where the concept of democratic governance first emerged in city-states like Athens around the 5th century BCE.

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