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The revolution entered a more radical phase when Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee to Varennes. He was fearing ; the growing violence of the revolution and counting on the support of other monarchs of Europe. His goal was to throw his support behind the foreign enemies of the revolution and turn to France, tearing the privileges that had been made.

However royal family was prevented from passing away French border

King's attempt to flee turned public sentiment further against him and strengthen support for a republic. The day after his flight, Cordeliers club called for establishment of a republic, but majority of the assembly feared civil war.

The leaders of Parisian population- Danton, Marat and Robespierre - were Jacobins who had given up on the idea that a constitutional monarchy could guarantee the liberties of people. The new elected Legislative Assembly met on October 1,1791 replacing the constitution the previous month. Republicans, now identified with the left as monarchists were with the right due to location of the seats each group occupied in the assembly, became a majority in march 1792.

French émigrés at Austrian and Prussian courts were encouraging foreign intervention to restore Louis XVI. To full monarchical authority. The republican followers of Jacques- Pierre Brissot ; Girondins, called for a war to free Europe from the tyranny of monarchy and nobility. Under Girorondin leadership, the assembly had a more aggressive voice. French declared war against Austria led the second revolution, the formation of republic and Jacobin-dominated Dictatorship, which impose the "terror".

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The radical forces were able to gain the support

of the citizens in declaring that the constitution of 1791 was

ineffective and useless since it did not suit the needs of ALL the

population of France. Moderate forces preferred to concentrate on the

foreign affairs of "new" France, but the radicals insisted on domestic

stability first.

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