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1911 Chinese Revolution.

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Q: The rule of the Manchus was ended by the Chinese Revolution?
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What The 1911 Chinese Revolution ended the rule of the .?

Manchus :)

The 1911 Chinese Revolution ended the rule of the what?

It ended the rule of the Qing dynasty.

How did the manchus rule china?

They established a dynasty and used leadership styles similar to those of the Chinese.

Why was the Manchus so successful at establishing a foreign dynasty in china and what were the main characteristics in Manchu rule?

1. The Manchus established strong military garrisons in key Chinese cities.They also made sure that all the important government and army posts were held by Manchus rather than ethnic Han Chinese. This way, they were able to keep the ethnic Han Chinese population firmly under the thumb. I hope this helps :)

In Russia what was the revolt that ended the rule of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 is the revolution that ended the rule of the Tsars. The October Revolution staged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government rather than that of the Tsars.

Why did the Chinese peasants rebel against the Manchus?

Chinese farmers were not happy under the Manchu rule. They said the rulers were greedy and unfair. Most Chinese farmers were poor. Finally the peasants rebelled.

When did chairman Mao rule?

during the chinese revolution

What did the Bolsheviks end?

The Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government in Russia by the October Revolution in 1917 then ended the lives of Tsar Nicholas and his entire family in July 1918.The Bolsheviks did not end the rule of the Tsar. The February 1917 Revolution is what ended that.

Which Chinese dynasty ended mongol rule?

Ming Dynasty

How did the ideas of the French Revolution carry into Napoleon's rule?

The Napoleonic Code was based on the spirit of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment. Napoleon also ended the feudal system, therefore increasing equality. In addition, Napoleon was himself a commoner, which was also emblematic of post-revolution success; a commoner could rule France.

What ended the rules of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the setting up of the Provisional Government.The February Revolution, not the October (Bolshevik/Communist) Revolution ended the rule of the Czars. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne on March 2 (Russian calendar; March 15 on the western Gregorian calendar), 1917. The Bolshevik/Communist Revolution occurred eight months after the Tsar stepped down ending the rule of the czars.

Was Utah a colony?

No. Utah was formed as a state long after the American Revolution, which ended British rule and changed the 13 Colonies into the United States.