The longest lived business form by far is "single proprietorship". The second longest is probably partnership.
Reclining to eat is an ancient form. It has been in place for thousands of years. It likely originated in the nomadic lifestyle of the herders in the Middle East.
East Germany (the German Democratic Republic or, in German, the Deutsche Democratische Republik) rejoined West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany or, in German, the Bundesrepublik Deutschland) in 1991, having been split into two countries, one communist and the other capitalist, in the aftermath of World War II.
Korea cultivated the first rice about 300 years before the Chinese. Throughout the years, rice was introduced to China in ancient times and was introduced to India before the time of the Greeks. Many people say China cultivated the first rice but recently archaeologists form Korea and the U.S discovered rice that was about 100-300 years older than the Chinese. The word 'rice' has an Indo-Iranian origin. It came to English from Greek óryza, via Latin oriza, Italian riso and finally Old French ris (the same as present day French riz). It has been speculated that the Indo-Iranian vrihi itself is borrowed from a Dravidian vari or the Tamil name arisi from which the Arabic ar-ruzz, from which the Portuguese and Spanish word arroz originated.
Simply Put: To Form A One World Government. That Is The Long Term Reason For Them Creating The Euro. Most people believe they did this to make it easier for travelers or companies to conduct business easier. Not so. That is what the powerful central bankers would have you believe. But the main goal is to ultimately make it easier for them to create their One World Government.
White is an adjective and so doesn't have a past form.
A sole proprietorship is a type of business that has been used for hundreds of years.
Rome and all Europe were Catholic for hundreds of years.
Lanzarote hotels and tourism has been in business for more than 40 years. Tourism is the mainstay of the island's economy for the last 40 years. Agriculture was and is the only other form of industry for the island.
hundreds of years
because it takes hundreds of millions of years to form.
yes, as they are fossil fuels.
to make a business online you will need to make a website which can cost anything form £0 up to hundreds of pounds.
Bastinado is still used as punishment in Turkey, Persia and China. It is still used as a form of backroom torture. Bastinado has been around as a form of punishment for hundreds of years.
yes, as they are fossil fuels.