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Q: True or false Canadian art reflects European and indigenous influences?
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What does canadan art reflect apon?

Canadian art reflects on European and indigenous influences.

What are the different races in Cuba?

The population in Cuba is predominantly of mixed-race descent due to its history of colonization and migration. The main racial groups in Cuba include White/Caucasian, Black/Afro-Cuban, and Mulatto/mixed-race individuals. The diverse cultural heritage in Cuba reflects a blend of European, African, and Indigenous influences.

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Haiti's name is derived from the indigenous Taíno word "Ayiti," which means "land of high mountains." The name reflects the country's mountainous terrain and its significance to the indigenous people who inhabited the island before European colonization.

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The physical context reflects the space around something and how that influences how you see it.

What message does the anatomy of a Filipino express?

The anatomy of a Filipino expresses a blend of various influences due to the country's history of colonization by different nations. It reflects a mix of indigenous, Malay, Chinese, Spanish, and American characteristics, resulting in a unique physical appearance that represents the diversity and resilience of the Filipino people.

Why is the filipino referred to as the child of the marriage of the east and the west?

The term "child of the marriage of the East and the West" is often used to describe Filipinos due to the country's unique blend of Eastern and Western influences. This reflects the Philippines' history of colonization by Spain and the United States, as well as its indigenous Austronesian roots. Filipinos are known for their diverse culture, reflected in their language, cuisine, traditions, and beliefs, which have been shaped by these various influences.

What were written in every phase of filipino life?

In every phase of Filipino life, a blend of indigenous customs, Spanish influences, and Western modernization are reflected in various forms of literature, art, music, and culture. This diverse mix reflects the complex history and identity of the Filipino people, capturing their resilience, creativity, and spirit.

How does Philippines folk (indigenous) art reflect nature and the life of the common folk?

There are places in the philippines which are famous because of the extraordinary or unusual but special products that they produced..

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The poem "Drake in the Southern Sea" by Ernesto Cardenal provides a historical perspective on the exploration and conquest of the Americas by European colonizers. It reflects on the impact of colonization on indigenous cultures and the violence and exploitation that often accompanied it. Through vivid imagery and language, the poem invites readers to reflect on the consequences of imperialism and the importance of recognizing and honoring the history of indigenous peoples.

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What is the scene acted out by a native woman in heart of darkness?

In Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness," there is a scene where a native woman is described mourning by the riverbank as Kurtz's death approaches. The woman symbolizes the suffering and loss caused by European colonialism in Africa. Her haunting presence reflects the destructive impact of imperialism on indigenous cultures.

The use of the geographic terms near east and far east reflects?

a European view of the world