The word zealous can be used in a sentence to mean passion or enthusiastic. Here is an example, "Jim has become zealous about religion after joining bible school."
An example of the word "zealous" used in a sentence is, "The senator was very zealous in implementing the new law about population control." The word "zealous" is the act of showing so much eagerness or energetic support for a person or cause.
Zealous is having or showing zeal, and zeal is enthusiastic or eager.
The emperor will see you now. The emperor is showing off his new clothes.
The word 'clemency' means mercy of leniency. An example of using this word is: He was due to be executed, but the governor granted him clemency at the last minute and spared his life.
He had a big Welt on his face. This may not be a good sentence but it is one
He is a zealous reader of the series. (Zealous meaning avid)
An example of the word "zealous" used in a sentence is, "The senator was very zealous in implementing the new law about population control." The word "zealous" is the act of showing so much eagerness or energetic support for a person or cause.
The men were zealous and worked till 12:00.
Dictionary definition for zealous: (adj) full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent.Pronunciation: [zel-uhs]Sample sentence: The knight was very zealous.
"Her reaction to my proposal was overly zealous so I punched her in the face." or "Hello, I'm feeling very zealous today. I think I shall purchase an 'Auto-mobile'." or even "Julian was worryingly zealous when I jokingly suggested shooting Meredith for talking at the dinner table, despite being a woman, and a married one at that!"
I am curious to know what it is that makes you so zealous.
In the movie "Braveheart" Mel Gibson plays a zealous Scottish warrior named William Wallace.
Yes, as overzealous (too zealous). It cannot be two words.
Fanatical:being over zealous about a subject.For example: People can be fanatical about their favorite sport,religion,celebrity or hobby etc...A way to use this word in speaking, may be:My brother is SO fanatical about football,he won't go anywhere when a games on!
the over zealous cat kill the many mashed potato people of pompay the over zealous cat kill the many mashed potato people of pompay the over zealous cat kill the many mashed potato people of pompay the over zealous cat kill the many mashed potato people of pompay the over zealous cat kill the many mashed potato people of pompay He is eager to please his superiors, h is quite zelous and works till midnight.
The Lord is so zealous for his law, that he will part with it for no man's sake.
Zealous is a positive word. It begins with the letter z.