No. I tried to find a bio on him and all I found was the character from the storyline in Deadwood. This leads me to believe he wasn't real and only a fictional person for the story.
St. Francis made the first crib
Sir Francis Drake.....good luck with your crossword :)
According to a recent study and poll, Vladimir Putin is the most powerful man in the world. He is followed by Barack Obama, President of the United States; Xi Jinping, the General Secretary for China's Communist Party; Pope Francis; and Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. Others within the top ten include Bill Gates, Ben Bernanke and Michael Duke.
A person from Iraq is called an Iraqi.
He knows the right person as soon as he looks into that person's eyes.
Pope Francis Is Time's Person Of The Year. Pope Francis has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2013.
There are many saints named Francis so you need to be specific. However, the person would have to be a good person to be named a saint.
St. Francis made the first crib
The person that sponsored henry hudson was king Francis
Samantha Francis
Pope Francis won time's 2013 person of the year.
No famous person with the name John Francis could be found. However, John Francis Daley is an American actor who appears in the television series Bones.
Sir Francis Drake
Francis Drake
Saint Francis
Pope Francis won time's 2013 person of the year.