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When was Horatio Nelson born?

Horatio Nelson was born on September 29, 1758.

What is Horatio Nelson's birthday?

Horatio Nelson was born on September 29, 1758.

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Horatio Nelson Jackson was born in 1872.

When did Horatio Nelson Jackson die?

Horatio Nelson Jackson died in 1955.

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Nelson Horatio Darton died in 1948.

When did Horatio Nelson White die?

Horatio Nelson White died in 1892.

When was Horatio Nelson White born?

Horatio Nelson White was born in 1814.

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Horatio Nelson Poole died in 1949.

When was Horatio Nelson Lay - admiral - born?

Horatio Admiral Nelson was born on 1816-10-22.

When was Horatio Nelson Lay born?

Horatio Nelson Lay was born on 1832-01-23.

What has the author John Horatio Nelson written?

John Horatio Nelson has written: 'The Wilson family'

When did Horatio Nelson Lay - admiral - die?

Horatio Nelson Lay - admiral - died in 1988.