Bourbon Dynasty
Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV of France, was the first Bourbon King of Spain. His reign lasted from November 1, 1700 until January 15, 1724. He then abdicated in favor of his son, Louis. Upon the death of Louis on September 6, 1724, he assumed the throne again.
Louis Dieudonné was the last name.
Louis XIV was the king of France and Navarre. His social class and that of his family was Royalty, of course. He was descended from the Bourbon kings of France on his father's side and from the Habsburg Spanish/Austrian kings/emperors on his mother's side. He had nothing but royal ancestors dating back hundreds of years from the the Habsburg line and the Bourbon line was also of ancient royalty and nobility.
Louis XIV of France was known as The Sun King. he was known as the Sun King because of the idea that as the planets revolve around the Sun, so too should France and the court revolve around him
He was the third Bourbon king of France and Navarre.
The Bourbon Family or Dinasty.
Bourbon Dynasty
The House of Bourbon.
The House of Bourbon.
Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV of France, was the first Bourbon King of Spain. His reign lasted from November 1, 1700 until January 15, 1724. He then abdicated in favor of his son, Louis. Upon the death of Louis on September 6, 1724, he assumed the throne again.
Louis Dieudonné was the last name.
Louis XIV of the House of Bourbon, King of France and Navarre, who was the French monarch from 5 September 1638 - 1 September 1715 is credited with saying "L'État, c'est moi", meaning "I am the State". Louis XIV was known for boasting about his rule, calling himself the Sun King and, as evident in the saying, reminding people of his unquestionable power.
Louis XIII, King of France and Navarre (1610 - 1643).
Louis XIV of France was born on September 5, 1638.
Louis XIV of France was born on September 5, 1638.
Louis XIV was the king of France and Navarre. His social class and that of his family was Royalty, of course. He was descended from the Bourbon kings of France on his father's side and from the Habsburg Spanish/Austrian kings/emperors on his mother's side. He had nothing but royal ancestors dating back hundreds of years from the the Habsburg line and the Bourbon line was also of ancient royalty and nobility.