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Perhaps Shi Huang Di didn't even serve in the army. He finally became the emperor of Qin dynasty because of his royal status not military exploits. He could be a good strategist but his army was led by several generals.

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Q: Was Shi Huang Di a military leader?
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Is Qin Shi Huang di's tomb considered art?

his tomb is considered art

Was Qin Shi Huang Di obsessed with immortality?

because he wanted to rule forever and kepp China.!!.

How long did Qin Shi Huang rule China?

According to the historical book Shiji (史记), Qin Shi-huang (秦始皇) whose name is Ying Zheng (嬴政) born in the 1st month 48th year during the reign of Qin Zhao-xiang-wang (秦昭襄王), the his great-grandfather. Thus, the birthday of Qin Shi-huang is reckoned to be 19th October, 259 BC.

Who was Shi-Huangdi married to?

Qin Shi Huang Di had numerous concubines which bore him around 50 children. He never named an Empress to be his wife.

Who was Qin Shi Huang Di's Parents?

A rich merchant in the state of Han, named Lü Buwei, met Master Yiren (公子異人). Lü Buwei's manipulation helped Yiren become King Zhuangxiang of Qin.[4] At the time, King Zhuangxiang of Qin was a prince of blood Qin, who took residence in the court of Zhao as a hostage to guarantee an armistice between the two states.[13]According to the Records of the Grand Historian, Zhao Zheng, first emperor, was born in 259 BC as the eldest son of King Zhuangxiang of Qin.[2][14] King Zhaoxiang of Qin saw a concubine belonging to Lü Buwei, and she bore the first emperor.[14] At birth, he was given the personal name Zheng (政).[14] Because Zheng was born in Handan, capital of the enemystate of Zhao (趙), he had the name Zhao Zheng.[14] Zhao Zheng's ancestors are said to have come from Gansu province.