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Q: Was conflict over the red river settlement inevitable?
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Like the Ancient Egyptians the nile river helped them thrive by Producing farmland. between the months of july-october the nile river floods and people after that make farmland over the wet soil and produce crops.

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It is unknown who designed the first city map. The oldest map of a city is from over 3,500 years ago in a settlement near the Euphrates River.

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To address the conflict over slavery

What were conditions like in medieval London?

the settlement of medieval London was awful they not clean they are dirty they chuck poo and wee out the window they were over crowded they even wash their clothes in the river. that was their settlement

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Calling a truce does not necessarily indicate that a conflict is over. It simply signifies a temporary stoppage in the conflict.

The French and English came into conflict in North America over religion taxes or land?

The French and English came into conflict in North America primarily over land. Both countries sought to expand their territories and establish colonies, leading to conflicts over control of key regions such as the Ohio River Valley. Religion did play a role in shaping the cultural differences between the two groups, but the main source of conflict was territorial disputes.

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Lincoln was saying that the division into free and slave states could not endure within the United States.