Yes. It means someone who is lazy.
It could be a black, white, red, or yellow person, anyone.
Or at least it used to be a word and meant that.
Rupert's Land, it was controlled by the Hudson Bay Company. I don't know what the native word was.
Australia was once a colony of Great Britain.
i believe that Russell in the north island was once that town.Russell is located on Kororaeka beach.
Cathay stems from the word "Catai" which is an alternative name for China. A link follows, and it can be found below
Where did the word,"Canada,"come from? Well, Canada came from the word Kanata.
The English word once has one syllable. The Spanish word once (English for eleven) has two syllables.
Telesford? No. In the King James version, the only words which begin with the letters "tel~" are the word - Telabib - appears once the word - Telah - appears once the word - Telaim - appears once the word - Telassar - appears once the word - Telem - appears twice the word - Telharesha - appears once the word - Telharsa - appears once the word - tell - appears 217 times the word - tellest - appears once the word - telleth - appears 7 times the word - telling - appears 3 times the word - Telmelah - appears twice
In the King James version the word - change - appears 26 times the word - changeable - appears once the word - changed - appears 42 times the word - changers - appears once the word - changers' - appears once the word - changes - appears 7 times the word - changest - appears once the word - changeth - appears twice the word - changing - appears once
The letter E (once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year)
In the Kign James version the word - boy - appears once the word - boys - appears twice the word - child - appears 201 times the word - child's - appears 4 times the word - childbearing - appears once the word - childhood - appears twice the word - childish - appears once the word - childless - appears 7 times the word - children - appears 1802 times the word - children's - appears 19 times the word - girl - appears once the word - girls - appears once the word - menchildren - appears once
In the King James version the word - sheep - appears 187 times the word - sheep's - appears once the word - sheepcote - appears twice the word - sheepcotes - appears once the word - sheepfold - appears once the word - sheepfolds - appears 3 times the word - sheepmaster - appears once the word - sheepshearers - appears 3 times the word - sheepskins - appears once and the word - shepherd - appears 43 times the word - shepherd's - appears twice the word - shepherds - appears 37 times the word - shepherds' - appears once
In the King James version the word - darkness - appears 162 times and the word - dark - appears 43 times the word - darken - appears once the word - darkened - appears 19 times the word - darkeneth - appears once the word - darkish - appears once the word - darkly - appears once
In the King James version the word - favour - appears 70 times the word - favourable - appears 4 times the word - favoured - appears 14 times the word - favourest - appears once the word - favoureth - appears once and the word - evilfavouredness - appears once the word - wellfavoured - appears once
In the King James version the word - heart - appears 830 times the word - heart's - appears 3 times the word - hearted - appears 8 times the word - heartily - appears once the word - hearts - appears 112 times the word - hearts' - appears once the word - hearty - appears once and the word - brokenhearted - appears twice the word - fainthearted - appears 3 times the word - hardhearted - appears once the word - merryhearted - appears once the word - stiffhearted - appears once the word - stouthearted - appears twice the word - tenderhearted - appears twice
In the King James version the word - few - appears 65 times (in 62 verses) the word - fewer - appears once the word - fewest - appears once the word - fewness - appears once
Approximately 3836 times -- another answer -- In the King James version the word - will - appears 3836 times and the word - wilfully - appears once the word - wilily - appears once the word - willeth - appears once the word - willing - appears 32 times the word - willingly - appears 25 times the word - willow - appears once
In the King James version the word - stone - appears 191 times the word - stone's - appears once the word - stoned - appears 22 times the word - stones - appears 178 times the word - stonesquarers - appears once the word - stonest - appears twice the word - stoning - appears once the word - stony - appears 7 times and the word - brimstone - appears 15 times the word - chalkstones - appears once the word - hailstones - appears 5 times the word - headstone - appears once the word - millstone - appears 9 times the word - millstones - appears twice the word - slingstones - appears once