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Yes. It joined the British Empire in 1625 ;P

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Q: Was the Caribbean part of the British empire?
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Related questions

What did the British Empire get out of Caribbean Islands being part of the British Empire?

large profits from the slave trade

Where did the British get their sugar from during the British empire?

Sugar cane in the Caribbean.

What is the British empire today?

The British Empire no longer exists. However, there are around 50 countries who used to be part of the British Empire but are now independent and choose to remain part of the Commonwealth of Nations. Those countries include Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and many Caribbean countries.

Are most of the countries that are in the Commonwealth were part of the British Empire?

They were all part of the British Empire

When did America be part of the British empire?

The USA has never been part of the British Empire.

What was not a part of the British empire?

All non British, countries, colonies, territories or protectorates were not part of the British Empire.

Is France stilll part of th british empire?

France was never part of the British Empire.

Which African member of the present Commonwealth was never part of the British Empire?

Mozambique. Not only was never a part of the British Empire, but has no ties linking it to the British Empire.

Was Vietnam part of the british empire?

No, Vietnam was part of the French Empire.

What countries in Asia are part of British empire?

The British Empire no longer exists.

Australia was once part of the empire.?

The British Empire

When did Grenada become part of the British empire?

Grenada officially became a part of the British empire in 1833. It remained a part of the British Windward Islands Administration until 1958.