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That where not happy that where angry with him.

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Q: Was the army happy that Charles dismissed parliament?
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What were two causes of the English Civil War?

There were several causes of the English Civil War, the majority of them were centered on the beliefs and reign of Charles I. Two of the main causes of the English Civil War were parliament's anger over Charles I divine rule and centralized structure of church government as well as his increase in taxation without consulting parliament.

How did the Roundheads fight?

to achieve the victory of ruling the country. Due to Charles the 1st not seeming to run it properly in their opinion. As the roundheads were parliamentarians, parliament went against the roylists because they wanted to have their rights and live by what they believe in. Also, King Charles I was a protestant but, he married a catholic, liked catholics and did a lot of things like catholics would. As a result, the public began to not a agree with this eventually leading onto the English Civil War.

Why did parliament win the civil war?

Because they were controlled by a Calvinist Sect who wanted a Presbyterian Church similar to the one that had been achieved in Scotland! They also wanted to takeover the Church of England lock stock and barrel and they were more motivated than the Anglicans who didn't respond to the threats made till 1640/1. The Calvinists preparing since Elizabeth's time. Also by an enormous streak of good luck, the navy built up by Charles Ist, and complained about incessantly by the opposition, fell in to Parliament's hands at the beginning of the war! Finally and these are the major points. East Anglia and London the major places of industry and wealth supported the Parliament. Charles had to finance the war from the sale of his own goods and those of his supporters, Anglicans like Derby and Royalists such as Newcastle!

How did King Charles I lose the civil war?

Charles I was defeated in the Civil War for a number of reasons:-Rich supporters of Charles' ran out of money so he couldn't get supplies.His soldiers were badly equipped.He had no money to train and pay his soldiers.Parliament chose well experienced commanders. (Cromwell and Fairfax)Parliament controlled the south-east of the country which was the richest part.John Pym set up a organised system to supply Parliament with money.The Navy supported Parliament, so it was easier to get supllies and men from abroad.

How did they capture King Charles I?

Following the Siege of Oxford, from which Charles escaped in April 1646. He put himself into the hands of the Scottish Presbyterian army at Newark, and was taken to nearby Southwell while his "hosts" decided what to do with him. The Presbyterians finally arrived at an agreement with Parliament and delivered Charles to them in 1647. He was imprisoned at Holdenby House in Northamptonshire, until cornet George Joyce took him by force to Newmarket in the name of the New Model Army. At this time mutual suspicion had developed between the New Model Army and Parliament, and Charles was eager to exploit it. He was then transferred first to Oatlands and then to Hampton Court, where more involved but fruitless negotiations took place. He was persuaded that it would be in his best interests to escape - perhaps abroad, perhaps to France, or perhaps to the custody of Colonel Robert Hammond, Parliamentary Governor of the Isle of Wight. He decided on the last course, believing Hammond to be sympathetic, and fled on 11 November. Hammond, however, was opposed to Charles, whom he confined in Carisbrooke Castle. From Carisbrooke, Charles continued to try to bargain with the various parties, eventually coming to terms with the Scottish Presbyterians that he would allow the establishment of Presbyterianism in England as well as Scotland for a trial period. The Royalists rose in July 1648 igniting the Second Civil War, and as agreed with Charles the Scots invaded England. Most of the uprisings in England were put down by forces loyal to Parliament after little more than skirmishes, but uprisings in Kent, Essex and Cumberland, the rebellion in Wales and the Scottish invasion involved the fighting of pitched battles and prolonged sieges. But with the defeat of the Scots at the Battle of Preston, the Royalists lost any chance of winning the war. Charles was moved to Hurst Castle at the end of 1648, and there after to Windsor Castle. In January 1649, in response to Charles's defiance of Parliament even after defeat, and his encouraging the second Civil War while in captivity, the House of Commons passed an Act of Parliament creating a court for Charles's trial. After the first Civil War, the parliamentarians accepted the premise that the King, although wrong, had been able to justify his fight, and that he would still be entitled to limited powers as King under a new constitutional settlement. It was now felt that by provoking the second Civil War even while defeated and in captivity, Charles showed himself incorrigible, dishonourable, and responsible for unjustifiable bloodshed.

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Why did Charles you have a hard time raising money for an army while parliament did not?

because he did not have a good relationship with the parliament at the time, the parliament did not want to gave money to him...

Why did the Britain civil war started?

The English Civil War started because King Charles 1 considered himself to be above the laws of the country and would prevent parliament from meeting unless his demands, (usually for money), were met. He also angered the people of Scotland enough for them to invade England, so Charles had to recall parliament to give him the money to fight the Scots army. This sort of thing happened too often for most members of parliament and when Charles sent 300 soldiers to arrest 5 members of parliament he realised he had gone too far. Charles then travelled to Oxford to raise an army against the representatives of his people and parliament retaliated with an army of their own.

Why did rounheads hate Cavaliers?

The Roundheads (Oliver Cromwell's army) hated the Cavaliers (Charles I army) because Charles I ruled without parliament so i think that's why the Roundheads hated the Cavaliers Hope that helped :)

What were the issues that led to the English Civil War?

King Charles considered himself a Divine Right Monarch, that his power came from God. He refused to work with Parliament to rule England fairly and justly. He tried to reintroduce Catholicism in England, even though it was against English law. Oliver Cromwell, a Parliamentarian, took exception to these acts and convinced Parliament to declare Charles I a traitor and remove him as king. The army of Parliament, the Roundheads lost to the army of the King, the Cavaliers. Cromwell recruited and trained his own army, the New Model Army and defeated the Cavaliers. As a result, King Charles I was decapitated and Cromwell became Lord Protector of England, ruling as a dictator for several years.

What were the triggers of the English war?

the triggers of the civil war are the short term causes that led up to the war startingSome were1641: Parliament listed demands called the grand remonstrance (to Charles). Parliament wanted to choose the number of bishops and king ministers. 159mps supported parliament, 148 supported Charles. January 1642: Charles messed up. He got an army of about 400, to burst into the house of commons, to arrest 5 Mps. the Mps had left already through the back door. Charles stood looking like a fool.March 1642: Mps were worried of what he would do next. Parliament then took over Charles's army. Charles got very angry!Hope i helped there is some of the trigger events.

Why was oliver cromwell New Model Army important?

Oliver Cromwell was a Parliamentarian that disagreed with King Charles I not giving power to Parliament to make just and fair laws. King Charles believed he was an absolute monarch and a Divine Right Ruler - receiving his power to rule from God and had the right to allow Parliament to meet or send it home. The disagreement between the Crown and Parliament, and King Charles willingness to let Catholicism back into England, even though English law forbade it, led to a civil war between the King and Parliament. The King's army, the Cavaliers were well trained and armed. The army of Parliament were young lads and farmers and not so well trained. The Roundheads were no match for the Cavaliers. As a result of the Roundheads being routed, Cromwell formed and trained his own army - The New Model Army. The New Model Army defeated the Cavaliers, and King Charles was eventually beheaded by sword. Cromwell tried to get Parliament to rule justly and fairly, but was unsuccessful. He became dictator (Lord Protector) of England for several years until a new Parliament was in place that made fair and just laws for English citizens to live by.

What did King Charles 1 do to the Parliament?

In a nutshell - Charles I believed in the Divine Right of Kings and wanted to rule as an 'absolute monarch'. Basically this means that he believed Parliament existed to serve him. Because Parliament believed differently, that the King ruled with Parliament and was not above the laws of the land, Charles and Parliament would clash and Charles would end up dismissing Parliament and trying to rule without them. A bit difficult to do, since Parliament held the purse strings. Charles would use what ever means he could find to raise money without having to recall Parliament, means that weren't always legal or ethical. In the end, when he was finally forced to call a Parliament, they turned on him; Charles tried to evict them, they refused to leave, he called an army and the Civil War began. In the end, Charles lost his head, his family went on the run and Cromwell ruled the country as dictator for several years.

King Charles you?

In 1625 King Charles marries a Catholic. In 1628 he collects the tax without the Parliaments permission, so Charles and the Parliament split up. In 1637 Scotland rebel against the new prayer King Charles published. In 1640 Charles wants to collect money to fight Scotland, so he joins with the Parliament again. In 1641 a Catholic plot is to be feared. In 1642 Charles arrests 5 MPs, so the Parliament is extremely annoyed. They also argue about religion. A well as this the Parliament want to control the army. Now the Parliament go too far, so the King and his followers leave London. Then the Civil War began. King Charles and his followers called the royalists, and the Parliament and their followers called the round-heads are against each other. The Civil War takes place during 1642-1651. Even though King Charles has a rich army, they do not work well together and aren't as thoughtful as the Parliament. This is why King Charles lost the Civil War. In 1648 King Charles persuades Scotland to invade England, but King Charles' plan get discovered and so he is arrested and then was executed.

What did Parliament do after Charles arrested 5 MPS?

After Charles I arrested five Members of Parliament in 1642, known as the "Five Members," Parliament reacted by passing the Militia Ordinance. This ordinance allowed Parliament to raise its own army and take control of the armed forces, effectively challenging the king's authority. This action marked a significant escalation of tension between Parliament and the king, leading to the outbreak of the English Civil War.

Why did King Charles call out Parliament?

Charles closed Parliament because they refused to help him and give him the money he needed and they were gaining to much power. The parliament had a list of demands to get more power off the King. The kings anger at the Parliament was, one of the main triggers of the Civil War. Many major demands consisting of the King to not make any important decisions in the name of religion, country or money without the Parliament approval. This made the King furious thus closing the Parliament was his only choice.

Why was Charles sentenced to death?

Charles the 1st was sentenced to death because of the civil war, he lost 2 wars against the round heads and the round heads new model army; parliament thought he was a really bad man by not using Parliament and just relying on his favorites. LH :)