The grandchildren of Malesherbes, the liberal statesman and legal philosopher who argued for moderation and defended Louis XVI at his trial, were guillotined before his eyes, immediately before he was executed himself, on 23 April, 1794. This was a particularly nasty moment in the Reign of Terror.
The British took away French rebels to be guillotined. A good book about the French revolution is "A Tale of Two Cities."
He was a French Astronomer and scientist who was guillotined.
Several. Two spring to mind: Bailly (Astronomer) and Lavoisier (chemist).
Which group of french society benefited from the french revolution
Enemies of the Revolution.
The British took away French rebels to be guillotined. A good book about the French revolution is "A Tale of Two Cities."
He was a French Astronomer and scientist who was guillotined.
Louis XVI who was guillotined.
Louis XVI who was guillotined.
Marie Antoinette was the wife of Louis XVI who was guillotined during the French Revolution.
Marie Antoinette was guillotined after a ridiculously unfair trial.
King Louis XVI was guillotined on 21 January 1793.
Several. Two spring to mind: Bailly (Astronomer) and Lavoisier (chemist).
Which group of french society benefited from the french revolution
They faced the guillotine.They were guillotined, when their heads were chopped off.