Glass mirrors were invented in the 16 century, and King Henry Tudor (Henry VIII) died in 1547 - thus mirrors were probably around in his reign, and certainly those of his Tudor descendants.
A link to the history of mirrors is provided below.
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
Tudor time of great fire of london
they have meat and soup and they have stew for their meals in the Tudor times that is what they have in the Tudor times.
The "Abraham man" was a tudor beggar,back in the tudor times.
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
There were no trains in the Tudor times. They had only first come out in 1872
It's a Fishmonger who was alive in Tudor times
Explorers like Rayleigh found spices in Tudor times.
To be able to be beheaded in the Tudor times you had to break the law or disobey the king or queen
was there any black people in tudor times?
It started with Henry Tudor (Henry VII) in 1485.
No. Tudor times was the reign of the Tudor monarchs in England from 1485 to 1603. 1897 was during the reign of Queen Victoria, often called the Victorian period.
cooking, chimney sweeping, cleaning and being a servant