That would be John Locke
Priciples of limited government were strengthened
The third estate, the ordinary people, were the workers who paid taxes. Not only did they pay taxes to their government, but they were forced to support their local church and lord as well.
what government act provided an incentive for people to farm the great plains
The elected leaders in a representative government speak for the
Oligarchy - 'rule by the few' - an aristocratic cartel which excluded ordinary people. Tyranny - rule by a single man appointed to get rid of the oligarchs and give the ordinary people a government which looked after their interests. Democracy - 'people power' - which gave the ordinary people a say in their government.
i think that government action is something that you do with the government. private action is like something you do as a family or a small grupe of people.
ordinary people and government authorities.
Your mother.
A policy
At first the federal government was made up of ordinary people, who represented the rest of the ordinary people. Today you need to either be rich, have some friends with a lot of money, or have a lot of friends with some money.
So they can fight for their state.
Because they helped the sides by providing nurses (which were ordinary people) to help the wounded/injured soldiers. The ordinary people also provided the food supply for the battle.