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Pizarro's first expedition was in 1509 and he was the first mate. The captain was Balboa, another famous explorer. The expeditions purpose was to explore the land that is now Panama. The crew founded Panama City and Pizarro was an important townsperson there. Then in 1527 he made his first expedition on his own to find a rumored civilization called the Incas. Pizarro's first mate was a good friend, his name was Diego de Almagro. They sailed down the coast of western South America. There they went inland a little ways and found evidence of the Incas and gold. Then he returned to Panama with the news. The whole expedition took one year.

Then when he was back in Panama he made plans to sail back to Spain and tell the King and Queen the news and get more men and provisions for crops and other foods that were not abundant in Panama. With this news, the King appointed him the governor of Peru, the name of this land that he had found. Then he sailed back to Panama, where he made plans for a long expedition and war on the Incas that would make him the ruler of Peru.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Francisco Pizarro is credited with the capture of Peru and the Incas in the name of the Spanish crown. One could also say, Pizarro accomplished his goal of exploiting the wealth of South America. The main interest in the colonies by Spain was gold and silver. To that end, one could describe Pizarro as very successful. The Incas had a wealth of gold mines, which Pizarro and his brothers ruthlessly pillaged.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Peru was his second voyage and i don't know his first one.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

he killed the emperor, and the emperors son killed him. shortly after, pizarros brother killed the emperors son

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Conquered Incas in South America

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