1. when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away 2. when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need 3. repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed. You welcome, this was so hard to find, hopefully you find this and don't have to run around like an idiot like i did. ~Zero
This Groups of Chinese were called the Boxers.
There are three. Massachusetts, Florida, and California. That is in order of how much history they hold.
There can said to be two major divisions in human history although it is not used as often as it once was. The AD and BC division in history is not universally recognized as it once was. However, it is still a common guide to divide history. In common terms the BC stands for Before Christ, and the AD stands for after Christ. It is fashionable today to use CE for AD , the CE standing for common era. The BCE is similar to BC however, the BCE stands for Before the Common era.
The "Great Three" West African empires were Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.
U.S. Great Britain, and the Soviet Union
The three great facts of history are power, love, and death. They imply that the outcome of events in the novel will be influenced by these fundamental forces. Power struggles, relationships, and mortality may shape the characters' decisions and the overall narrative arc.
three facts about the great basin tribes
He wrote several East of Eden Of Mice and Men Grapes of Wrath are three
She saw a great pearon in the world ,,...................
Alexander the Great is considered great in history for his military conquests, his strategic leadership, and his cultural influence on the regions he conquered.
1. considered the greatest historian of the ancient world 2. an Athenian general in the Great Peloponnesian War ( later wrote in history ) 3. saw war & politics as the activities of human beings, not gods. 4. believed that the study if history was in great value in understanding the present. I hope these facts helped you like they did for me!!
their is three interesting facts about San Nicolas island and those are that they have beautiful plants ,a really nice view,and history lives on that island.
South Carolina is a very interesting state, Three interesting facts are the history the people and the food cya!
1.) He was a military genius. 2.) He created the largest empire in history. 3.) He was the Leader of The Mongols.
great big building look it up in your socil studies book
the three facts are me myself and i