The womens role were to grow and harvest the crops, cook for the family, and take care of the children.
the woodland first nations used snowshoes in the winter
he impacted the First Nations bye causing an epidemic in the First Nations society.e befriended a Chipewyan leader named Matonabee which he became his guide on the First Nations Land, he was sent to Coppermine in search for copper.
The first nations helped the Europeans because it was good to trade with them to get metals for fur.
Yes, almost all explorers had some type of interactions with first nations, whether good or bad.
These are some of what they used: Canoes Snow Shoes Toboggans Tumplines
Ash has a good strength to weight ratio, is shock resistant and most importantly for toboggans, it steam-bends easily.
Toboggans are little things like boards that u can use in the snow... Hope l could help!
yes they are
They made trades, made army alliances, and taught the first nations French
Before European contact Aboriginals in Canada built toboggans and other sleds using the same methods used by Early Europeans and Asians. They would lash sticks and even logs together and bend one end back so it would not dig into the snow. Willow or Birch were a good woods to use and the bends and logs could be held in place with lashing made of bark, leather and other materials. There were different styles depending on the area, terrain, and loads to be carried. With European contact came metal and square cut lumber. Of course there were many ways to square or cut lumber but when it came to toboggans it was often easier to just let the logs wear square. Europeans also brought with them a trade system that would result in the availability of slats and slats made of wood from other areas though birch was often preferred because it was light and easier to bend. Toboggans and other sleds then took on the forms and looks we are familiar with today.
they made a lot ok
Luge rk