

What are five types of glass?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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There are a lot, but here are some:

1. Fiberglass-fine, solid rods of glass, each of which may be less than one-twentieth the width of a human hair-often used for protective clothing, insulation, etc. It is fire-proof

2. Flat glass-used for mirrors, windows, room dividers and some furniture.

3. optical glass-the glass that makes up your glasses and used for other optical equipment

4 Opal glass has small particles that disperse the light passing through it, making the glass appear milky. This glass is widely used in lighting fixtures and for tableware.

5. Foam glass, when it is cut, looks like a black honeycomb. It is filled with many tiny cells of gas. Each cell is surrounded and sealed off from the others by thin walls of glass. Foam glass is so light that it floats on water. It is widely used as a heat insulator in buildings, on steam pipes, and on chemical equipment. Foam glass can be cut into various shapes with a saw.

Hope this helps!

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