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tax burden on common people

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Imogene Stehr

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3y ago
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14y ago

One of the major causes of the French Revolution was the "noble revolt" against paying taxes. Then when Enlightenment ideas drifted into Europe, especially France, people's perceptions about government and sovereignty started to change and they wanted reform.

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14y ago

The French government was dealing with a fiscal crisis of a cataclysmic proportion that had not been created by Louis XVI. It was a debt that had been inherited (It should be noted that he was ineffective and indecisive and that he was inept at best in the handling of something called crisis management.)

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12y ago

(1)Shortage and high price of bread.

!2)High Taxes.

(3)Lack of confidence in the Monarchy, mainly due to the weak image of King Louis XVI.

(4)Feeling among the people that the Monarchy and Aristocracy's luxurious lifestyles were burdening the commen people who afforded it through the taxes they paid.

(5) Inability of the King in findind an amiable solution for the situation in France at the Estates General meeting at Versailles, which led to dissent withing the Third Estate, which then formed the National Assembly leading to the French Revolution.

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10y ago

In France in 1848 the ruler Louis Philippe's leadership was unacceptable to the common people of the time. Philippe's ulta anti change policies were challenged by "republicans" who opposed monarchy along with "liberals" who were against the censorship of the press, governmental corruption and voting restrictions. Workers in cities were poor and they had no voting powers. Rioting in the streets of Paris, caused Philippe to flee France.

The 1848 revolutionists proclaimed a new government, the "Second French Republic". Universal male suffrage was proclaimed and guaranteed. A new leader, Louis Napoleon, a nephew of the great Napoleon, was overwhelmingly elected President of the new government.

The supporters of the new republic expected a stable government, economic prosperity and even a new, and higher level of foreign respect. Louis Napoleon took on the name of Napoleon III.

He legalized unions, created a new constitution, a new legislature, and became to many a leader with democratic intentions. He was a pretender, however, and in 1852 he was proclaimed Emperor, and he changed the second republic to the

second French Empire.

Not too much time passed and soon it became evident that the reforms of the 1848 revolution were tainted by Napoleon's secret police, returning to press restrictions, and granting the unions limited rights to strike. The election process fought for by the 1848 revolution, became state -controlled elections.

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15y ago

While enlightenment was a cause and the beheading.

The MAIN reason was the taxes.

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16y ago

it was a revolt against absolutism of the french government . it was a inverted pyramid all the presuure at the bottom , it was top heavy

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14y ago

The lack of bread caused by a huge national debt, heavy and unfair taxation and the lack of a responsive and representative government.

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14y ago

The French Economic crisis plus a high and unfair tax code.

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Not Han Solo

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3y ago

A primary cause of the French revolution.

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