There was no real technological help in 1490's. How they did explore is they would examine the stars, sun and landmasses to figure out which way they were heading. The first real piece of technology that made exploring at lot easier was the compass created in 221-230 BC by the Chinese but the first recording of someone using the compass to explore was in 1371 by a Chinese explorer named Zheng He.
The British were fighting against the Turks, aided as they were by the Germans, in Iraq & Palestine.
Industrialization isn't connected to WWI except in the fact that it aided in the start of the roaring 20's (1920's). Industrialization is more significant to WWII because it pulled the US out of the Great Depression.
Polly Cooper's Birth date is unknown - Her birth year could not have been in 1794 because she aided George Washington and his soldiers at Valley Forge the winter of 1777-78. The Chief of her tribe's name was Chief Oskanondohna
the granting of patents
the granting of patents
Some manufacturing firms use CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and manufacturing) to design and automate some steps in mold and model making
The sextant and the compass.
Escaped slaves
Daniel boone
Daniel Boone's Wilderness Road
Textile Machines, Railroads, and Steel
Greek fire
Underway replenishment
Underway replenishment
Radar, AA Guns and underway replenishment