Canada became independent on July 1, 1867.
Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Our monarch is Queen Elizabeth of Britain. Our prime minister is Justin Trudeau.
Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
There are a lot of really cool people who live in Canada (hello!)
Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Sidney Crosby, Wayne Gretzky, and Rachel MacAdams are all Canadians.
The highest tides in the world can be found in Canada at the Bay of Fundy, which separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. Source:
its warm
Canada has a number of historic allies. Some of these include the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, and Mexico.
At confederation there were four provinces. As time progressed more provinces and territorities became parts of Canada, some territorities became provinces and part of Canada was annexed by the United States. For more details you might consider reading the wikipedia article about Canada.
Fast food is generally not as healthy as regular food
Some fast facts about Taoism include that it was founded in China by Lao-Tze. According to Taoism, the purpose of life is inner harmony and peace.
it is in canada
it is on a hill side
It is the valley of the dead
Draw 2 circles overlaping each other and label one canada and the other us label the middle canada and us then find some facts about us and canada if they both have two facts the same then put the fact in the middle circle if they both have diffrent facts put the facts in its own country.
He was the first prime minister of Canada.
Some interesting facts are: 1. It covers half of Canada 2. It is the biggest region in Canada 3. Scientists estimate it was formed 2 billion years ago
Bolivia has the largest capital wich is La plaz
they baked the largest loaf...and made the biggest knife